如何在 R 中使用 if 子句跳过执行几行

how to skip executing several lines with if clause in R


 if ( op=='A) {

     #skip doing everything here }

  #some line of codes which will be run in any condition

或者是否可以使用 whilefor 循环来完成?

您可以使用 next 关键字。例如,下面的代码不会打印 向量 x = 1:10 中的值从 58:

    x = 1:10
    for(i in x){ 
        if(i>=5 && i<=8){
            next #Skips printing when i=5,6,7 and 8
        print(i) #Code you don't want skipped goes here


if (op != 'A') {
    #Don't execute this part for op == 'A' 

#Execute this part for everything