
Pushing a word to a stack and checking it for Palindrome

我们老师给我们布置的作业是使用数据结构检查单词的回文 "Stack"。


# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <stdbool.h>

struct Stack
    int top;
    int capacity;
    char *array;

void push(struct Stack stack, char a) //Push function.
    stack.array[++stack.top] = a; //Helps to push charater to a stack.

char pop(struct Stack stack) //Pop function.
    return stack.array[stack.top--]; //Helps to pop character from a stack.

int main(void)
    struct Stack original; //Original stack where the "Original" word will be pushed.
    original.top = -1;
    original.capacity = 10;
    original.array = calloc(original.capacity, sizeof(char));

    struct Stack checker; //Another stack that "Checks" whether the word is palindrome or not.
    checker.top = -1;
    checker.capacity = 10;
    checker.array = calloc(checker.capacity, sizeof(char));

    while(getchar()!='[=10=]') //Getting all the characters from the stdin buffer and pushing it into "Original" stack.
        push(original, getchar());

    while(original.top != -1)
        push(checker,pop(original)); //Popping from "Original" stack and pushing it to "Checker" stack.

    while(checker.top != -1)
        original.top = checker.top;
        if(original.array[original.top] != checker.array[checker.top]) //Checking every character in the stack if it is excatly same or not.
            printf("It is not a palindrome.\n");
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
            checker.top = checker.top - 1;

    if(checker.top == -1)
        printf("It is a palindrome.\n");

    return 0;


while(getchar()!='[=11=]') //Getting all the characters from the stdin buffer and pushing it into "Original" stack.
    push(original, getchar());

下面的循环是运行无限循环。我添加以下行的目的是我想在 original 堆栈中添加 stdin bufferpush 中的单个字符,直到遇到 '[=17=]'.


Addendum: -

Sample Input 1: - civic

Expected Output: - It is a palindrome.

Sample Input 2: - madama

Expected Output: - It is not a palindrome.



while(getchar()!='[=11=]') //Getting all the characters from the stdin buffer and pushing it into "Original" stack.
    push(original, getchar());


int c;
int i = 0;

while ( i < original.capacity && ( c = getchar() ) != EOF && c != '\n' )
    push(original, c );


It is a palindrome.



while(getchar()!='[=10=]') //Getting all the characters from the stdin buffer and pushing it into "Original" stack.
    push(original, getchar());

在任何情况下都是错误的,因为它读取字符两次:在循环的条件下和在循环的 body 内。

并且您已经明确地使用例如键盘输入 0。


int c;
int i = 0;

while ( i < original.capacity && ( c = getchar() ) != EOF && c != '\n' )
    push(original, c );


void push(struct Stack stack, char a) //Push function.
    stack.array[++stack.top] = a; //Helps to push charater to a stack.

char pop(struct Stack stack) //Pop function.
    return stack.array[stack.top--]; //Helps to pop character from a stack.


void push(struct Stack *stack, char a) //Push function.
    stack-?array[++stack->top] = a; //Helps to push charater to a stack.

char pop(struct Stack *stack) //Pop function.
    return stack->array[stack->top--]; //Helps to pop character from a stack.



push( &original, c );



# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>

struct Stack
    int top;
    int capacity;
    char *array;

void push(struct Stack *stack, char a) //Push function.
    stack->array[++stack->top] = a; //Helps to push charater to a stack.

char pop(struct Stack *stack) //Pop function.
    return stack->array[stack->top--]; //Helps to pop character from a stack.

int main(void)
    struct Stack original; //Original stack where the "Original" word will be pushed.
    original.top = -1;
    original.capacity = 10;
    original.array = calloc(original.capacity, sizeof(char));

    struct Stack checker; //Another stack that "Checks" whether the word is palindrome or not.
    checker.top = -1;
    checker.capacity = 10;
    checker.array = calloc(checker.capacity, sizeof(char));

    int c;
    int i = 0;

    while ( i < original.capacity && ( c = getchar() ) != EOF && c != '\n' )
        push( &original, c );

    while(original.top != -1)
        push(&checker,pop(&original)); //Popping from "Original" stack and pushing it to "Checker" stack.

    while(checker.top != -1)
        original.top = checker.top;
        if(original.array[original.top] != checker.array[checker.top]) //Checking every character in the stack if it is excatly same or not.
            printf("It is not a palindrome.\n");
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
            checker.top = checker.top - 1;

    if(checker.top == -1)
        printf("It is a palindrome.\n");

    return 0;

考虑到这些 headers

#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
