如何获得深度优先遍历中已经访问过的 Clojure 拉链部分?

How to get the part of a Clojure zipper already visited in depth-first traversal?

当您通过 z/next 以深度优先的方式遍历任意嵌套的 Clojure zipper 时,您能否获取或重建拉链的已访问部分,同时保留其结构?例如,让我们有一个 [0 [1 2] 3] 的矢量拉链。如何实现函数visited到return拉链的访问部分,比如访问1[0 [1]]

编辑:在有用的答案的提示下,我意识到只有当它的子树被完全遍历时,才可以认为 loc 已被访问。因此,只有非分支位置(即 (complement z/branch?))被视为已访问。

(require '[clojure.zip :as z])

(def zipper (z/vector-zip [0 [1 2] 3]))

(defn visited
  ; ...

(-> zipper z/next visited)
; => [0]
(-> zipper z/next z/next visited)
; => [0]
(-> zipper z/next z/next z/next visited)
; => [0 [1]]
(-> zipper z/next z/next z/next z/next visited)
; => [0 [1 2]]
(-> zipper z/next z/next z/next z/next z/next visited)
; => [0 [1 2] 3]

z/lefts return仅访问同一层级的部分。

编辑 2: 似乎几乎可以工作。如果我们让它以 into 开头,那么它对于示例拉链可以正常工作:

(def visited
  (letfn [(root? [node]
            (= (z/node node) (z/root node)))]
    (fn [node]
      (if-let [parent (z/up node)]
        (let [comb-fn (if (root? parent) into conj)]
          (comb-fn (visited parent)
                   (if (z/branch? node)
                     (vec (z/lefts node))
                     (conj (vec (z/lefts node)) (z/node node)))))
        [])))) ;; we're at the root


(def zipper (z/vector-zip [0 [1 [2]]]))

(-> zipper z/next z/next z/next z/next z/next visited)
; => [0 [1] [2]]


不容易。您希望将值 [0 [1 2]] 作为输出,但从未访问过该值。所以,你不能仅仅通过查看任何以前访问过的节点来获得它。取而代之的是,您必须根据检查访问者的历史,自己想出一种创建此结构的方法。

这听起来并非不可能,但算法并不完全显而易见。我的第一个反对意见是这个问题似乎定义不明确:您真的希望 "already visited set" 在您访问事物时 收缩 吗?你说当访问 [1 2] 时你认为已经访问过的部分是 [0 [1 2]],这意味着当你查看向量 [1 2] 时你认为它的所有内容都已经被访问过.在那种情况下,当您查看根时,整棵树都已被访问过,而当您深入其中时,它会变得越来越少!


不是使用 Zippers 的直接答案,但您可以使用 the Tupelo Forest library 轻松解决这个问题。这是一个例子:

(dotest-focus ; walk the tree and keep track of all the visited nodes
  (with-forest (new-forest)
    ; an "hid" is like a pointer to the node
    (let [root-hid (add-tree-hiccup [:a
                                      [:c 1]]
                                      [:e 2]]])
          tgt-hid  (find-hid root-hid [:** :c]) ; hid of the :c node we want to stop at
          state-atom    (atom {:visited-hids []
                          :found-tgt?   false})
          enter-fn (fn [path] ; path is from root
                     (let [curr-hid (xlast path)] ; curr node is last elem in path
                       (swap! state-atom
                         (fn [curr-state]
                           (cond-it-> curr-state
                             (falsey? (grab :found-tgt? it)) (update it :visited-hids append curr-hid)
                             (= curr-hid tgt-hid) (assoc it :found-tgt? true))))))]
      (println "Overall Tree Structure:")
      (spy-pretty (hid->tree root-hid))
      (walk-tree root-hid {:enter enter-fn}) ; accum results => state atom
      (println "final state map")
      (spyx @state-atom)
      (let [depth-first-tags (it-> (grab :visited-hids @state-atom)
                               (mapv hid->node it)
                               (mapv #(grab :tag %) it))]
        (is= depth-first-tags [:a :b :c])
        (println "depth-first tags thru target:")
        (println depth-first-tags)


Overall Tree Structure:
{:tag :a,
 [{:tag :b,
   :tupelo.forest/kids [{:tupelo.forest/kids [], :tag :c, :value 1}]}
  {:tag :d,
   :tupelo.forest/kids [{:tupelo.forest/kids [], :tag :e, :value 2}]}]}

final state map
(clojure.core/deref state) => {:visited-hids [1005 1002 1001], :found-tgt? true}

depth-first tags thru target:
[:a :b :c]

Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.


您的评论 "z/lefts returns only the visited part on the same hierarchical level" 提出了自己的解决方案。调用z/lefts,然后用z/up上一层,递归继续。


(defn visited [node]
        (let [parent (z/up node)]
          (if (nil? parent)
            [] ;; we're at the root
            (conj (visited parent) 
                  (if (z/branch? node)
                     (vec (z/lefts node))
                     (conj (vec (z/lefts node)) (z/node node)))))))


(defn visited [loc]
  (loop [cur loc
         start true]
    ;; Loop from the starting location up to the root
    (if-let [par (z/up cur)]
        ;; Replace our parent with a node that only includes its visited children
            (z/node par)
            (cond-> (z/lefts cur)
              ;; If we started at a branch, don't treat its children as visited
              (not (and start (z/branch? cur))) (concat [(z/node cur)]))))
      (if (and start (not (z/end? cur)))
        (z/node cur)))))

作为测试,下面是一个在相对复杂的树的遍历中的每个步骤从 visited 打印 return 的示例:

(def root (z/vector-zip [[1 [2 3 4] 5] 6 [[[7 8] [9]] 10 11]]))
(loop [loc root]
  (when (not (z/end? loc))
    (println "visit " (z/node loc))
    (println "visited " (visited loc))
    (recur (z/next loc))))

visit  [[1 [2 3 4] 5] 6 [[[7 8] [9]] 10 11]]
visited  []
visit  [1 [2 3 4] 5]
visited  []
visit  1
visited  [[1]]
visit  [2 3 4]
visited  [[1]]
visit  2
visited  [[1 [2]]]
visit  3
visited  [[1 [2 3]]]
visit  4
visited  [[1 [2 3 4]]]
visit  5
visited  [[1 [2 3 4] 5]]
visit  6
visited  [[1 [2 3 4] 5] 6]
visit  [[[7 8] [9]] 10 11]
visited  [[1 [2 3 4] 5] 6]
visit  [[7 8] [9]]
visited  [[1 [2 3 4] 5] 6 []]
visit  [7 8]
visited  [[1 [2 3 4] 5] 6 [[]]]
visit  7
visited  [[1 [2 3 4] 5] 6 [[[7]]]]
visit  8
visited  [[1 [2 3 4] 5] 6 [[[7 8]]]]
visit  [9]
visited  [[1 [2 3 4] 5] 6 [[[7 8]]]]
visit  9
visited  [[1 [2 3 4] 5] 6 [[[7 8] [9]]]]
visit  10
visited  [[1 [2 3 4] 5] 6 [[[7 8] [9]] 10]]
visit  11
visited  [[1 [2 3 4] 5] 6 [[[7 8] [9]] 10 11]]