
How do you create an Expression of an enum from its type and the name of one of its fields?

很难找到我正在尝试做的事情,this post was the closest I could find. This post 不会工作,因为我不知道枚举的整数值,我只知道它的名字。给定以下代码:

public enum Foo 
    Row = 0,
    Column = 20, // This is why the second post won't work, I only know the name "Column"
    None = 30

public static class ExpressionGetter
    public static Expression GetExpression(Type type, string name)
        // Not sure what I should do here. I want an expression object for Foo.Row

void Main()
   var expression = ExpressGetter.GetExpression(typeof(Foo), "Row");

稍后在我的应用程序中,我正在构建表达式树以生成 LINQ 查询,并且我知道 enum 的类型和 enum 的名称,现在我想创建一个 Expression.Constant 或者如果有其他方法可以做到这一点,我想知道怎么做。




Expression.Property(null, enumType, name)


ArgumentException: Property 'Row' is not defined for type 'Foo' Parameter name: propertyName


所以我不确定如何在给定枚举类型 Foo 和名称为字符串的情况下构建表达式 Foo.Row


public enum EnumerationTest
    A, B, C

public class ClassTest
    public EnumerationTest Test { get; set; }

public static Expression PropertyExpression()
    // Think of this like a lambda (p) => p.Test == Enumeration.A
    var parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ClassTest), "p"); 
    var property = Expression.PropertyOrField(parameter, "Test");
    var value = (EnumerationTest)Enum.Parse(typeof(EnumerationTest), "A");
    var constant = Expression.Constant(value, typeof(EnumerationTest));

    return Expression.Equal(property, constant);


枚举值是枚举类型的静态字段。如果您只有枚举值的名称作为字符串,则第二个版本就是您要查找的内容。但是您也可以对第一个版本执行 Enum.Parse() 。

Expression.Constant(Foo.Row, typeof(Foo));

//  Or any other string that's valid
var name = "Row";
MemberExpression.Field(null, typeof(Foo), name);