无法加载搜索结果 - Google 个地点

Can't load search results - Google Places

我在我的应用程序中使用 Google 地图,自动完成结果不起作用(无法加载搜索结果,请重试)!

我关注了 Google 地图的(Places API)Documentation,我已经将 Places API 启用到 Google Cloud Platform 和每个 运行 我 运行 使用我的 iPhone 设备 并在控制台中收到此消息:

Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. The operation failed due to exceeding the quota usage limit. See the usage limits guide (https://developers.google.com/places/ios-sdk/usage) for information on usage limits and how to request a higher limit.


with identifier: 'com.google.GooglePlaces' 2019-09-28 06:47:44.079967+0300 DemoGM[564:36414] [framework] CoreUI: RunTimeThemeRefForBundleIdentifierAndName() couldn't find Assets.car in bundle with identifier: 'com.google.GooglePlaces'


Google Places iOS - Can't load search result

Google Places AutoComplete on iOS - Can't Load Search Results - Try Again

