
F#: Declare function and find element in list

我是 F# 的新手,遇到问题需要一些帮助。我在查找列表中的元素时遇到问题: "Declare a function findRoute: Lid*LuggageCatalogue -> Route, that finds the route for a given luggage identification in a luggage catalogue"


    type Lid = string 
    type Flight = string
    type Airport = string
    type Route = (Flight*Airport) list
    let route = [("DL 189","ATL"); ("DL 124","BRU"); ("SN 733","CPH"); ("SK 208","ATL"); ("DL 124","BRU"); ("SK 122","JFK")]

    type LuggageCatalogue = (Lid*Route) list
    let lc = [("DL 016-914", [("DL 189","ATL"); ("DL 124","BRU"); ("SN 733","CPH")]); 
    ("SK 222-142", [("SK 208","ATL"); ("DL 124","BRU"); ("SK 122","JFK")])]

    let findRoute fr = function
    match fr with
    | [] -> printf "No match"

我卡住的地方是我找不到使用该函数在 LuggageCatalogue 列表



let filterlist lid = List.filter (fun (luggageid, _) -> luggageid = lid)


filterlist "SK 222-142" lc

或者更好的是,尝试自己创建函数的第一部分。尽管这只是第一步,也许可以尝试想象一下行李 id 的递归搜索功能的外观,

let findfirst lid =
  let rec checktail lctail =
    match lctail with
    | [] -> invalidArg "lid" "luggageid not present in catalogue"
    | (id, r)::tail -> if id = lid then r else checktail tail
  checktail lc