Azure 数据资源管理器查询语言-批处理和具体化

Azure Data Explorer Query Language-batches and materialize


我正在使用 Microsoft 的演示门户:

A query can include multiple tabular expression statements, as long as they are delimited by a semicolon (;) character. The query then returns multiple tabular results, as produced by the tabular expression statements, and ordered according to the order of the statements in the query text.

当我运行 跟随代码时,我只得到第一个表达式的结果,而不是第二个和第三个表达式。这与上述说法相悖。为什么?

let randomSet = materialize(range x from 1 to 30000000 step 1 | project value = rand(10000000));
randomSet | summarize dcount(value);
randomSet | top 3 by value;
randomSet | summarize sum(value)


Log Analytics 不支持此功能,要尝试使用 Kusto(Azure 数据资源管理器)demo cluster,您将在输出窗格中看到多个表: