
Why is my neural network stagnating around a certain cost?

我正在制作一个应该能够使用 Mnist 数据库识别手写数字的神经网络 downloadable here。该网络可以完美地处理 1 到 5 个示例,但是在 10 个示例之后它开始变得有点不稳定。使用 5000 个示例的标准,该程序将停滞在 0.42 左右的成本(它从 1.2 左右的成本开始)。最后一层中 10 个神经元的所有输出也将趋向于 0.1,并且网络显然永远不会非常确定它的猜测因此(通常猜测的输出将在 0.1 到 0.2 左右,但有一些例外)

训练 5000 次迭代后最后一层的猜测和输出示例:

Example:        5000
index:  2435
Cost:   0.459006
Expected:      0

Out_value 0:    0.0900279
Out_value 1:    0.104657
Out_value 2:    0.0980369
Out_value 3:    0.0990471
Out_value 4:    0.101716
Out_value 5:    0.0937537
Out_value 6:    0.0933432
Out_value 7:    0.114351
Out_value 8:    0.10058
Out_value 9:    0.0924466
Guess:  7
Guess certainty:        0.114351


我试过调整 h 层的数量和大小以及学习率,但结果总是一样(不断地在 0.42 左右的成本附近跳跃)。当然,我推测我的反向传播或数学只是没有检查出来,但是使用基于反向传播指南的测试网络对此进行了测试,link here 根据文章,我的权重将自己调整到完美的小数点。所以我不确定该怎么做才能防止我的网络停滞不前并让它在这一点上学习。有谁知道为什么它会像这样停滞不前?


#include <cmath>
#include <utility>
#include "neural_network.h"
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

namespace nn{
    double fRand(const double& f_min, const double& f_max){ //generate random double from f_min to f_max
        const auto f = static_cast<double>(rand()) / RAND_MAX;
        return f_min + f * (f_max - f_min);
    double sigmoid(const double& net) { //sigmoid function for out value
        const double result = 1.0 / static_cast<double>(1.0 + pow(M_E, -net));
        return result;
    double xavier(int layer_from_size) {    //function used to initialize initial weights.
        const double val = sqrt(1.0 / static_cast<double>(layer_from_size));
        return val;

    double out_net_derivative(const double& out){ //derviative of out-value with respect to the net-value
        const double val = out * (1 - out);
        return val;
    double cost_out_derivative(const double& out, const double& target)
        //derivative of the cost with respect to the out-value for the neurons in the last layer
        const double val = out - target;
        return val;
    double calc_cost(const Layer& layer, std::vector<double> target){ //calculating the total cost mainly for logging
        double cost = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < target.size(); i++){
            cost += pow(target[i] - layer.get_neurons()[i].get_out(), 2) / 2;
        return cost;
    double delta(const double& cost_out_derivative, const double& out)
        //derivative of the cost with respect to the current neurons out multiplied by out_net_derivative
        const double val = cost_out_derivative * out_net_derivative(out);
        return val;

    Weight::Weight(double weight, int neuron_from_index)
        :weight_{ weight }, neuron_from_index_{ neuron_from_index }

    Neuron::Neuron(int pos, int layer) //creating a empty neuron
        : net_{ 0.0 }, out_{ 0.0 }, error_gradient_{ 0.0 }, pos_{ pos }, layer_{ layer }
    Neuron::Neuron(int pos, double out) //creating a neuron in the first layer with a pre-assigned out-value
        : net_{ 0.0 }, out_{ out }, error_gradient_{ 0.0 }, pos_{ pos }, layer_{ 0 }

    void Neuron::update_weights(const Layer& layer_from, const double& learning_rate){
        for (Weight& weight : weights_to_) {
            //derivative of net with respect to weight
            double neuron_from_out = layer_from.get_neurons()[weight.get_neuron_from_index()].get_out();
            //derivative of cost with respect to weight
            double val = delta(error_gradient_, out_) * neuron_from_out;
            weight.update_weight(val, learning_rate);

    void Layer::update_error_gradient(Layer& layer_from)
        //update all the error gradients (derivative of the cost with respect to the neurons out-value) in the previous layer (layer_from)
        for (Neuron& neuron : layer_from.neurons_) neuron.set_error_gradient(0); //resetting all previous error gradients
        for (int i = 0; i < neurons_.size(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < layer_from.get_neurons().size(); j++) {
                double delta_val = delta(neurons_[i].get_error_gradient(), neurons_[i].get_out());
                //partial derivative of cost with respect to the last layers neuron in position j
                double val = neurons_[i].get_weights_to()[j].get_weight() * delta_val;
    void Layer::update_bias(const double& learning_rate){
        for(const Neuron& neuron: neurons_){
            //derivative of the cost with respect to the layer-bias
            double val = out_net_derivative(neuron.get_out()) * neuron.get_error_gradient();
            bias_ -= learning_rate * val;

    void Neuron::set_weights(const int& layer_from_size){ //set initial weights for neuron
        for(int i = 0; i < layer_from_size; i++){
            //get random weight using xavier weight initialization
            double v_val = fRand(-xavier(layer_from_size), xavier(layer_from_size));
            Weight weight{ v_val, i };


    void Layer::set_weights(const int& layer_from_size){ //set initial weights for layer
        for (Neuron& neuron : neurons_) neuron.set_weights(layer_from_size);
    void Network::set_weights(){ //set initial weights for network
        for(int i = 1; i < layers_.size(); i++){
            layers_[i].set_weights(layers_[i - 1].get_neurons().size());
    Layer::Layer(int pos, int size) //make layer of any size
        : pos_{ pos }, bias_{ 0.0 }
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) //fill with neurons according to desired size
            Neuron neuron{ i, pos };

    Layer::Layer(std::vector<Neuron> first_layer) //set the first layer of the network according pre-acquired neurons
        :pos_{ 0 }, bias_{ 0.0 }, neurons_{std::move(first_layer)}

    void Layer::forward_pass(const Layer& layer_from){ //calculate net, and out-value of each neuron in layer
        for(Neuron& neuron : neurons_){
            double val = calc_net(layer_from, neuron, bias_);
    void Network::forward_pass(){ //calculate net, and out-value of each neuron in network
        for (int i = 1; i < layers_.size(); i++)
            layers_[i].forward_pass(layers_[i - 1]);

    void Layer::backprop(const Layer& layer_from, const double& learning_rate){ //backprop and thus update weights in layer
        for (Neuron& neuron : neurons_) 
            neuron.update_weights(layer_from, learning_rate);
    void Network::backprop(const std::vector<double>& target){ //backprop entire network and thus update weights and biases
        for(int i = layers_.size() - 1; i > 0; i--){
            //update error gradients for the previous layer in the network
            layers_[i].update_error_gradient(layers_[i - 1]);
            layers_[i].backprop(layers_[i - 1], learning_rate_);

    Network::Network(std::vector<int> structure, double learning_rate) //create a network skeleton
        for(int i = 0; i < structure.size(); i++){ //fill network with layers of various sizes according to structure
            Layer layer{ i, structure[i] };

    void Network::set_last_layer_error_grads(std::vector<double> target){
        for (int i = 0; i < layers_[layers_.size() - 1].get_neurons().size(); i++) {
            double val = cost_out_derivative(layers_[layers_.size() - 1].get_neurons()[i].get_out(), target[i]);
            layers_[layers_.size() - 1].set_neuron_error_grad(i, val);

    int Network::get_guess() const{ //get the networks guess for each example (image)
        int guess = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < layers_[layers_.size() - 1].get_neurons().size(); i++) {
            if (layers_[layers_.size() - 1].get_neurons()[guess].get_out() < layers_[layers_.size() - 1].get_neurons()[i].get_out())
                guess = i;
            //std::cout << "Guess certainty " << i << ":\t" << layers[layers.size() - 1].get_neurons()[i].get_out_value() << '\n';
            std::cout << "Out_value " << i << ":\t" << layers_[layers_.size() - 1].get_neurons()[i].get_out() << '\n';

        std::cout << "Guess:\t" << guess << '\n'
            << "Guess certainty:\t" << layers_[layers_.size() - 1].get_neurons()[guess].get_out() << "\n\n";
        return guess;

    int Network::get_weight_amount() const //get number of weights
        int amount = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < layers_.size(); i++) {
            amount += layers_[i - 1].get_neurons().size() * layers_[i].get_neurons().size();
        return  amount;

    double calc_net(const Layer& layer_from, const Neuron& neuron, const double& bias){ // calculate net-value for specific neuron
        const std::vector<Neuron>& neurons_from = layer_from.get_neurons();
        const std::vector<Weight>& weights = neuron.get_weights_to();

        if (neurons_from.size() != weights.size()) 
            throw std::exception("there is not strictly one weight for each neuron in layer from.");

        double net = 0;
        //calculate net value with respect to the previous layers neurons and weights connecting them
        for (int i = 0; i < neurons_from.size(); i++)
            net += neurons_from[i].get_out() * weights[i].get_weight(); 
        net += bias;

        return net;

    void Network::train(std::ifstream& practice_file, const int& sample_size, const int& practise_loops)
        //train network with a specific sample size a specific number of times according to practice loops,
        //getting necessary data for the first layer from a practice file

        std::vector<Layer> images;
        std::vector<std::vector<double>> targets;
        for(int i = 0; i < sample_size; i++){ //get and store all images and targets for the images in different vectors
            std::vector<double> image = get_image(practice_file);
            targets.push_back(get_target(image, layers_[layers_.size() - 1].get_neurons().size()));
        //backprop through random examples taken from the sample
        for(int i = 0; i < practise_loops; i++){
            int index = rand() % images.size();

            layers_[0] = images[index];

            std::cout << "Example:\t" << i << '\n' <<   //logging
                "index:\t" << index << '\n'
                << "Cost:\t" << calc_cost(layers_[layers_.size() - 1], targets[index]) << '\n';
            if (correct_guess(targets[index]))
                std::cout << "true\n";
            else std::cout << "false\n";

    double Network::test(std::ifstream& test_file, const int& sample_size){ //test network accuracy
        int correct = 0;
        std::vector<Layer> images;
        std::vector<std::vector<double>> targets;
        for (int i = 0; i < sample_size; i++) {
            std::vector<double> image = get_image(test_file);
            targets.push_back(get_target(image, layers_[layers_.size() - 1].get_neurons().size()));
        for(int i = 0; i < sample_size; i++)
            layers_[0] = images[i];
            if (correct_guess(targets[i])) correct++; //keep track of correct guesses

        double accuracy = 100 * correct / sample_size; //calculate accuracy
        return accuracy;
    std::vector<double> get_image(std::ifstream& ifs) { //get an image data from a file (specifically from the mnist files
        std::vector<double> values; //all data converted to relevant format
        std::string value; //data in string format
        std::string line; //all data in string format
        std::getline(ifs, line); //get image
        //convert image string to relevant grey scale and target doubles and store them to be returned
        for (const char& ch : line) {
            switch (ch) {
            case '0': case '1':
            case '2': case '3':
            case '4': case '5':
            case '6': case '7':
            case '8': case '9':
            case '.':
                value += ch;
        values.push_back(std::stod(value)); //store last piece of data
        return values;
    std::vector<double> get_target(const std::vector<double>& image, int last_layer_size){ //get target for an image
        std::vector<double> target(last_layer_size);
        //make sure that every neuron that is not the correct answer isn't lit up and do the opposite for the correct answer neuron
        for(int i = 0; i < last_layer_size; i++){
            //according to the file setup the first piece of data in the image is the target, hence image[0]
            if (i == static_cast<int>(image[0])) target[i] = 1.0; //0.99
        return target;

    Layer get_flayer(std::vector<double> image) { //get the first layer through image
        std::vector<Neuron> neurons;
        image.erase(image.begin()); //throw away the target
        for (int i = 0; i < image.size(); i++) {
            Neuron neuron{ i, image[i] };
        Layer layer{ neurons };
        return layer;
    bool Network::correct_guess( const std::vector<double>& target) const{ //confirm if a guess by the network is correct
        int excpected = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < target.size(); i++)
            if (target[i] == 1.0) excpected = i; //the correct guess is the neuron position of the neuron fully lit of the bunch
        std::cout << "Excpected:\t" << excpected << "\n\n";
        return excpected == get_guess();

Link 到完整代码,包括 GitHub 上的 cpp 文件、h 文件和主文件中的一些 exta 函数,以获取更多上下文:Full code

原来我犯的错误与我如何从包含转换为灰度的 Mnist 图像的 CSV 文件中读取灰度值(输入)有关。我忽略了将每个灰度值除以 255(可能的最高灰度值)以将灰度转换为 0 和 1 之间的值。因此,第二层接收到巨大的输入值,从而导致第二层的输出大量爆炸.我现在已经解决了这个问题,并且在使用一个大小为 16 的 h 层(层大小:784、16、10)进行 10000 次迭代后,使用 5000 张图像的文件批次进行训练时,该程序的准确率约为 87%。虽然仍然不是最佳的,但当然是一个巨大的进步。