如何将 recaptcha v3 添加到 php 联系表?

How to add recaptcha v3 to a php contact form?


我受到教程的启发,创建了一个非常有效的 php 联系表单。


if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] === 'POST' && isset($_POST['recaptcha_response']))) {
    // Get the form fields and remove whitespace.
    $name = strip_tags(trim($_POST["name"]));
            $name = str_replace(array("\r","\n"),array(" "," "),$name);
    $email = filter_var(trim($_POST["email"]), FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
    $message = trim($_POST["message"]);

    // Check that data was sent to the mailer.
    if ( empty($name) OR empty($message) OR !filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
        // Set a 400 (bad request) response code and exit.
        echo "Oops! There was a problem with your submission. Please complete the form and try again.";

/*------------------- reCaptcha added -----------------------*/

// Build POST request:
        $recaptcha_url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify';
        $recaptcha_response = $_POST['recaptcha_response'];

        // Make and decode POST request:
        $recaptcha = file_get_contents($recaptcha_url . '?secret=' . $recaptcha_secret . '&response=' . $recaptcha_response);
        $recaptcha = json_decode($recaptcha);

        // Take action based on the score returned:
        if ($recaptcha->score >= 0.7) {
            // Verified - send email
        } else {
            // Not verified - show form error

/*---------------- End reCaptacha --------------------*/

    // Set the recipient email address.
    // FIXME: Update this to your desired email address.
    $recipient = "hello@example.com";

    // Set the email subject.
    $subject = "New contact from $name";

    // Build the email content.
    $email_content = "Name: $name\n";
    $email_content .= "Email: $email\n\n";
    $email_content .= "Message:\n$message\n";

    // Build the email headers.
    $email_headers = "From: $name <$email>";

    // Send the email.
    if (mail($recipient, $subject, $email_content, $email_headers)) {
        // Set a 200 (okay) response code.
        echo "Thank You! Your message has been sent.";
    } else {
        // Set a 500 (internal server error) response code.
        echo "Oops! Something went wrong and we couldn't send your message.";

} else {
    // Not a POST request, set a 403 (forbidden) response code.
    echo "There was a problem with your submission, please try again.";


stdClass Object ( [success] => [error-codes] => Array ( [0] => missing-input-response ) )

但是邮件还在发送中。所以错误对表单没有影响。 你能告诉我问题出在哪里吗?你真的会帮助我。


分数 >= 0.5) { // 已验证 - 发送电子邮件 } 别的 { // 未验证 - 显示表单错误 } } ?>