无法使用 StrongLoop Arc 连接到 StrongLoop PM

Cannot connect to StrongLoop PM using StrongLoop Arc

我在使用 StrongLoop Arc 连接到 StongLoop PM 时遇到问题。我正在关注 these directions.


# in one terminal window, I started up StrongLoop PM
$ nvm install v0.12.4
$ nvm alias default 0.12.4
$ npm install -g strongloop
$ slc loopback
> name: hello-strongloop
> directory: hello-strongloop
$ cd hello-strongloop
$ slc pm

# in another new terminal window, I started Arc
$ slc arc # enter login credentials, click process manager, and add pm host
> host: localhost
> port: 8701

按下 "connect" 图标后,我在 "App Status" 下收到一条消息说:

unknown exception: invalid
Unknown "ServiceInstance" id "undefined".


$ slc arc
Loading workspace /home/s/strongloop/hello-strongloop
Embedded Process Manager [(none)]:  starting
StrongLoop Arc is running here: http://localhost:60520/#/
slc arc: StrongLoop PM v3.2.0 (API v5.1.0) listening on port `47743`
slc arc: listen on 47743, work base is `/home/s/strongloop/hello-strongloop/.strong-pm`
Embedded Process Manager [28647]:  started
Embedded Process Manager [28647]:  using port 47743
loopback-datasource-juggler deprecated Model hook "ManagerHost.beforeCreate" is deprecated, use Operation hooks instead. http://docs.strongloop.com/display/LB/Operation+hooks ../../.nvm/versions/v0.12.4/lib/node_modules/strongloop/node_modules/loopback-datasource-juggler/lib/dao.js:270:9

您需要构建和部署环回应用程序(使用 Arc),然后才能使用 Arc 管理进程。通过调用 $ slc arc 从项目目录启动 Arc,然后从 Web 界面单击 "Build and Deploy."

您还需要 运行 $ slc pm 从您的主目录,而不是您的项目目录。这将解决您在 Arc 中收到的错误消息的问题。