无论如何要等待 print window 在 print.js 中关闭

Is there anyway to wait for print window to close in print.js

我有一些 jquery 代码使用 print.js 打印一个元素并且它工作正常但我需要知道我是否可以检查打印 window 是否关闭并重新加载第

printJS('print_paper', 'html');
//do stuff after close print window

有一个名为 onPrintDialogClose 的选项,它会在“打印”对话框关闭后触发。

    type: "html",  // Include other option if needed like style , css .....
    onPrintDialogClose: closedWindow 

function closedWindow() {
  alert("Window is closed "); // What ever you want to do after window is closed .

我在下面尝试了 slebetman 的解决方案 link https://github.com/crabbly/Print.js/issues/348,它对我来说效果很好

let focuser = setInterval(() => window.dispatchEvent(new Event('focus')), 500);


    printable: url,

   onPrintDialogClose: () => {


   // do your thing..


onError: () => {


    // do your thing..

