当 T 是接口并且哈希码在派生类型之间不同时覆盖 IEquatable<T>

Overriding IEquatable<T> when T is an interface and hashcodes are different between derived types

我有 AB class 都实现了接口 I

public interface I
    int SomeInt { get; }
    bool SomeBool { get; }
    float SomeFloat { get; }

public class A : I
    public int SomeInt { get; }
    public bool SomeBool { get; }
    public float SomeFloat { get; }

    private readonly string _someARelatedStuff;
    // Rest of class...

public class B : I
    public int SomeInt { get; }
    public bool SomeBool { get; }
    public float SomeFloat { get; }

    private string readonly _someBRelatedStuff;
    private double readonly _someOtherBRelatedStuff;
    // Rest of class...

有时我想测试 AB 之间的相等性(通常在比较 A 列表和 B 列表时)基于它们的 I 属性(SomeIntSomeBoolSomeFloat),所以我在两者上实现了 IEquatable<I>,并根据它们共享的 I 属性值对它们进行了比较.

问题是我已经在 A 和 B 上为 GetHashCode() 实现了生成不同哈希值的实现,因为我正在考虑其他成员。

B 不依赖于 A 所以我使用接口 I 来比较它们,它有一个带有吸气剂的属性列表。

我读 in a Whosebug answer 是:

If you are implementing a class, you should always make sure that two equal objects have the same hashcode.

这是否意味着每次 class A 想要实现接口 I,并且我希望能够比较实现 I 的实例,我必须确保对 I 的所有实例以相同的方式计算哈希码并且仅使用 I 属性?

当 T 是一个接口时,我确实觉得我不打算实现 IEquatable<T>,但我的替代方案是:

  1. 使用带有基础的常规继承 class - 我宁愿尽可能避免继承,如果 B 需要从某个框架派生,这个解决方案将不起作用 C class 因为单一继承
  2. 使用 AB 上的方法在 AB 之间实施相等性检查 - 将创建代码重复
  3. I 中定义的 I 个实例之间有一个相等性检查方法 - 听起来是最好的选择


考虑制作 IEqualityComparer<> class 来比较通用值。

为了便于阅读,我已将界面重命名为 ICommon

public interface ICommon
    int SomeInt { get; }
    bool SomeBool { get; }
    float SomeFloat { get; }

public class CommonComparer : IEqualityComparer<ICommon>
    public bool Equals(ICommon x, ICommon y)
        return x.SomeInt.Equals(y.SomeInt)
            && x.SomeBool.Equals(y.SomeBool)
            && x.SomeFloat.Equals(y.SomeFloat);

    public int GetHashCode(ICommon obj)
            int hc = -1817952719;
            hc = (-1521134295)*hc + obj.SomeInt.GetHashCode();
            hc = (-1521134295)*hc + obj.SomeBool.GetHashCode();
            hc = (-1521134295)*hc + obj.SomeFloat.GetHashCode();
            return hc;


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var listA = new List<A>
            new A(1001, true, 1.001f, "A1"),
            new A(1002, true, 1.002f, "A2"),
            new A(1003, false, 1.003f, "A1"),
            new A(1004, false, 1.004f, "A4")

        var listB = new List<B>
            new B(1001, true, 1.001f, "B1", 2.5),
            new B(1002, false, 1.002f, "B2", 2.8),
            new B(1003, true, 1.003f, "B3", 2.9),
            new B(1004, false, 1.004f, "B4", 2.9)

        var common = Enumerable.Intersect(listA, listB, new CommonComparer()).OfType<ICommon>();

        Console.WriteLine($"{"SomeInt",-8} {"Bool",-6} {"SomeFloat",-10}");
        foreach (var item in common)
            Console.WriteLine($"{item.SomeInt,-8} {item.SomeBool,-6} {item.SomeFloat,-10}");
        //SomeInt  Bool   SomeFloat
        //1001     True   1.001
        //1004     False  1.004



public class A : ICommon, IEquatable<A>
    static readonly CommonComparer comparer = new CommonComparer();

    public int SomeInt { get; }
    public bool SomeBool { get; }
    public float SomeFloat { get; }

    private readonly string _someARelatedStuff;
    // Rest of class...
    public A(ICommon other, string someARelatedStuff)
        : this(other.SomeInt, other.SomeBool, other.SomeFloat, someARelatedStuff)
    { }
    public A(int someInt, bool someBool, float someFloat, string someARelatedStuff)
        this.SomeInt = someInt;
        this.SomeBool = someBool;
        this.SomeFloat = someFloat;
        this._someARelatedStuff = someARelatedStuff;

    public override string ToString() => _someARelatedStuff;

    #region IEquatable Members
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj is A other)
            return Equals(other);
        return false;

    public virtual bool Equals(A other)
        return comparer.Equals(this, other)
            && _someARelatedStuff.Equals(other._someARelatedStuff);

    public override int GetHashCode()
            int hc = comparer.GetHashCode(this);
            hc = (-1521134295)*hc + _someARelatedStuff.GetHashCode();
            return hc;



public class B : ICommon, IEquatable<B>
    static readonly CommonComparer comparer = new CommonComparer();

    public int SomeInt { get; }
    public bool SomeBool { get; }
    public float SomeFloat { get; }

    readonly string _someBRelatedStuff;
    readonly double _someOtherBRelatedStuff;
    // Rest of class...

    public B(ICommon other, string someBRelatedStuff, double someOtherBRelatedStuff)
        : this(other.SomeInt, other.SomeBool, other.SomeFloat, someBRelatedStuff, someOtherBRelatedStuff)
    { }
    public B(int someInt, bool someBool, float someFloat, string someBRelatedStuff, double someOtherBRelatedStuff)
        this.SomeInt = someInt;
        this.SomeBool = someBool;
        this.SomeFloat = someFloat;
        this._someBRelatedStuff = someBRelatedStuff;
        this._someOtherBRelatedStuff = someOtherBRelatedStuff;

    public override string ToString() => $"{_someBRelatedStuff}, {_someOtherBRelatedStuff.ToString("g4")}";

    #region IEquatable Members

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj is B other)
            return Equals(other);
        return false;

    public virtual bool Equals(B other)
        return comparer.Equals(this, other)
            && _someBRelatedStuff.Equals(other._someBRelatedStuff)
            && _someOtherBRelatedStuff.Equals(other._someOtherBRelatedStuff);

    public override int GetHashCode()
            int hc = comparer.GetHashCode(this);
            hc = (-1521134295)*hc + _someBRelatedStuff.GetHashCode();
            hc = (-1521134295)*hc + _someOtherBRelatedStuff.GetHashCode();
            return hc;
