在 python 解释器中键入一个对象的名称 - 它调用的是什么方法?

Type the name of an object in python interpreter - what method is it called?

当我输入对象的名称时,它调用了什么方法? 我一直认为它是在调用 reprstr,但对于 PyPDF2 的 PageObject 来说,这并不成立。如您所见,__repr____str__ 的输出与我们在交互式控制台中键入变量名称时得到的输出不同。

>>> reader = PdfFileReader(f)
>>> page = reader.pages[0]
>>> page

'/Encoding': {'/Differences': [32,

>>> page.__str__()

"{'/Annots': [], '/Contents': IndirectObject(12, 0), '/Group': {'/CS': '/DeviceRGB', '/S': '/Transparency', '/Type': '/Group'}, '/MediaBox': RectangleObject([0, 0, 460.8, 345.6]), '/Parent': IndirectObject(2, 0), '/Resources': IndirectObject(8, 0), '/Type': '/Page', '/ArtBox': RectangleObject([0, 0, 460.8, 345.6]), '/BleedBox': RectangleObject([0, 0, 460.8, 345.6]), '/CropBox': RectangleObject([0, 0, 460.8, 345.6]), '/TrimBox': RectangleObject([0, 0, 460.8, 345.6])}"

>>> page.__repr__()



UPDATE 我在 IPython(版本 5.5.0)中观察到这种行为。 运行 内置 REPL 输入变量名时得到的输出与 repr 输出匹配。

在标准 Python REPL 中使用变量名(如 x)等同于 print(repr(x))。您可以通过自己实现 __repr____str__ 来说服自己(这不仅仅是 print(x)):

>>> class Test:
...   def __repr__(self):
...     return 'using repr\nmagic, isn\'t it?'
...   def __str__(self):
...     return 'using str'
>>> Test()
using repr
magic, isn't it?
>>> repr(Test())
"using repr\nmagic, isn't it?"
>>> print(Test())
using str
>>> print(repr(Test()))
using repr
magic, isn't it?

但是您使用的是 IPython,它具有 rich outputs;这意味着某些对象在显示时会得到特殊处理。字典就是这样的对象;因为你的 page 是一种特殊的 dict:

Help on PageObject in module PyPDF2.pdf object:

class PageObject(PyPDF2.generic.DictionaryObject)
 |  PageObject(pdf=None, indirectRef=None)
 |  This class represents a single page within a PDF file.  Typically this
 |  object will be created by accessing the
 |  :meth:`getPage()<PyPDF2.PdfFileReader.getPage>` method of the
 |  :class:`PdfFileReader<PyPDF2.PdfFileReader>` class, but it is
 |  also possible to create an empty page with the
 |  :meth:`createBlankPage()<PageObject.createBlankPage>` static method.
 |  :param pdf: PDF file the page belongs to.
 |  :param indirectRef: Stores the original indirect reference to
 |      this object in its source PDF
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      PageObject
 |      PyPDF2.generic.DictionaryObject
 |      builtins.dict
 |      PyPDF2.generic.PdfObject
 |      builtins.object

然后你得到特殊的 dict 显示;这类似于使用 pprint.pprint:

>>> import pprint
>>> from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader
>>> PDF = PdfFileReader('…')
>>> page = PDF.pages[0]
>>> pprint.pprint(page)
{'/Contents': IndirectObject(2, 0),
 '/Group': {'/CS': '/DeviceRGB',
            '/I': <PyPDF2.generic.BooleanObject object at 0x7faa67639310>,
            '/S': '/Transparency'},
 '/MediaBox': [0, 0, 842, 595],
 '/Parent': IndirectObject(6, 0),
 '/Resources': IndirectObject(23, 0),
 '/Rotate': 0,
 '/Type': '/Page'}