Fabric 网络与 Node.js 客户端应用程序之间的连接

Connection between Fabric network and Node.js client app

我目前 运行 一个 Hyperledger Fabric 网络版本 1.4.3,其证书由 Fabric CA 生成,我想附加一个 node.js 客户端应用程序。为此,我有 2 个问题:

1- 这种类型的证书是否有任何特殊性或简单的客户端类型证书应该可以解决问题并且

2- 由于我的网络已经启动并且 运行 我必须执行频道更新以将这个新生成的证书包含到所需的 MSP 中吗?



Answer for 1)simple client type certificate generated by fabric-ca or cryptogen tool is enough for your sdk to interact with fabric unless if you use attribute-based accessing

Answer for 2) I client certificates need not inform to MSP's that's the power of PKI simply generate as many as you can and interact with the fabric