ansible to compare two strings in a file and check if equals to defined variable
团队,我有一个 kubeconfig 文件,我需要比较上下文名称和当前上下文是否相同,如果是,我想继续进行,否则失败。下面是我想要集成的 shell 和 运行 with ansible。
cat cluster-user.kubeconfig | yq .contexts[0].name```
cat cluster-user.kubeconfig | yq .[\"current-context\"]```
- name: "GET API server current-context name with YQ.. "
shell: "cat cluster-user.kubeconfig | yq .[\"current-context\"]"
register: string1
ignore_errors: true
- debug:
var: string1.stdout_lines
when: string1.stdout != ''
- name: "GET API server contexts name with YQ.. "
shell: "cat cluster-user.kubeconfig | yq .contexts[0].name"
register: string2
ignore_errors: true
- debug:
var: string2.stdout_lines
when: string2.stdout != ''
- name: "Validate if both string1 and string2 are same, if yes proceed.. "
failed_when: string2.stdout != string1.stdout
on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: "Validate if both string1 and string2 are same, if yes proceed.. "
^ here```
anyhint what am i missing?
- fail:
msg: "Validate if both string1 and string2 are same, if yes proceed..."
when: "'{{ string2.stdout }}' != '{{ string1.stdout }}'"
:这用于在满足条件时使特定任务失败。 Failed_When Ansible Documentation
:这用于通过自定义消息使进度失败。 Fail Ansible Documentation
团队,我有一个 kubeconfig 文件,我需要比较上下文名称和当前上下文是否相同,如果是,我想继续进行,否则失败。下面是我想要集成的 shell 和 运行 with ansible。
cat cluster-user.kubeconfig | yq .contexts[0].name```
cat cluster-user.kubeconfig | yq .[\"current-context\"]```
- name: "GET API server current-context name with YQ.. "
shell: "cat cluster-user.kubeconfig | yq .[\"current-context\"]"
register: string1
ignore_errors: true
- debug:
var: string1.stdout_lines
when: string1.stdout != ''
- name: "GET API server contexts name with YQ.. "
shell: "cat cluster-user.kubeconfig | yq .contexts[0].name"
register: string2
ignore_errors: true
- debug:
var: string2.stdout_lines
when: string2.stdout != ''
- name: "Validate if both string1 and string2 are same, if yes proceed.. "
failed_when: string2.stdout != string1.stdout
on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: "Validate if both string1 and string2 are same, if yes proceed.. "
^ here```
anyhint what am i missing?
- fail:
msg: "Validate if both string1 and string2 are same, if yes proceed..."
when: "'{{ string2.stdout }}' != '{{ string1.stdout }}'"
:这用于在满足条件时使特定任务失败。 Failed_When Ansible Documentation
:这用于通过自定义消息使进度失败。 Fail Ansible Documentation