How do you type a circular reference in a namespace in a declaration file?
我正在尝试为 DefinitelyTyped 项目键入一个 UMD 模块(我不拥有它,所以我无法更改它),它具有类似的东西(当然具有实际功能):
function getModule() {
function fn1() {}
function fn2() {}
fn1.fn2 = fn2;
return fn1.fn1 = fn1;
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
} else if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
module.exports = getModule();
} else {
this.moduleName = getModule();
使用 the module-function.d.ts 模板,到目前为止我有这个:
export as namespace moduleName;
export = fn1;
declare function fn1(): void;
declare namespace fn1 {
function fn2(): void;
然后我使用 dts-gen 为我生成了一个 .d.ts 文件,试图找出如何在 fn1
命名空间中再次声明 fn1
/** Declaration file generated by dts-gen */
export = moduleName;
declare function moduleName(): void;
declare namespace moduleName {
// Circular reference from moduleName
const fn1: any;
function fn2(): void;
但是,当我尝试在以下代码中组合两者时,出现错误 'fn1' is referenced directly or indirectly in its own type annotation.
export as namespace moduleName;
export = fn1;
declare function fn1(): void;
declare namespace fn1 {
function fn2(): void;
const fn1: any;
我不想执行以下操作,因为那样的话它不代表您可以执行 require('moduleName').fn1.fn1.fn1.fn2
(或任意数量的 fn1
export = moduleName;
declare function moduleName(): void;
declare namespace moduleName {
function fn1(): void;
function fn2(): void;
export = fn1;
declare const fn1: Fn1
interface Fn1 {
// The call signature of fn1
(): void
// The circular reference
fn1: Fn1
// Other functions
fn2: () => void
我正在尝试为 DefinitelyTyped 项目键入一个 UMD 模块(我不拥有它,所以我无法更改它),它具有类似的东西(当然具有实际功能):
function getModule() {
function fn1() {}
function fn2() {}
fn1.fn2 = fn2;
return fn1.fn1 = fn1;
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
} else if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
module.exports = getModule();
} else {
this.moduleName = getModule();
使用 the module-function.d.ts 模板,到目前为止我有这个:
export as namespace moduleName;
export = fn1;
declare function fn1(): void;
declare namespace fn1 {
function fn2(): void;
然后我使用 dts-gen 为我生成了一个 .d.ts 文件,试图找出如何在 fn1
命名空间中再次声明 fn1
/** Declaration file generated by dts-gen */
export = moduleName;
declare function moduleName(): void;
declare namespace moduleName {
// Circular reference from moduleName
const fn1: any;
function fn2(): void;
但是,当我尝试在以下代码中组合两者时,出现错误 'fn1' is referenced directly or indirectly in its own type annotation.
export as namespace moduleName;
export = fn1;
declare function fn1(): void;
declare namespace fn1 {
function fn2(): void;
const fn1: any;
我不想执行以下操作,因为那样的话它不代表您可以执行 require('moduleName').fn1.fn1.fn1.fn2
(或任意数量的 fn1
export = moduleName;
declare function moduleName(): void;
declare namespace moduleName {
function fn1(): void;
function fn2(): void;
export = fn1;
declare const fn1: Fn1
interface Fn1 {
// The call signature of fn1
(): void
// The circular reference
fn1: Fn1
// Other functions
fn2: () => void