
How to construct a threshold map with maximum average distance between consecutive values?

我有一个预生成的 2D 点云,例如:

假设网格包含 64 个点。 对于每个点,我想在 [0,63] 范围内分配一个值,这样:

基本上,它与应用于 Bayer Matrix 的算法相同,只是我的点不在轴对齐网格中。

Arbitrary size threshold maps can be devised with a simple rule: First fill each slot with a successive integers. Then reorder them such that the average distance between two successive numbers in the map is as large as possible, ensuring that the table "wraps" around at edges.



编辑 1:

云中的点数不是 2 的幂!

编辑 2:


我会想办法增加一些抖动。 你有什么技巧可以实现吗?

范围[0,0.1] []3

范围[0.1,0.2] []4

范围 [0.8, 0.9] []5

范围 [0, 1] []6

给定 4^k 个不在网格中的点,您可以将它们分配给 2^k x 2^k 网格中的点,然后用拜耳矩阵中的关联值标记每个点。分配过程类似于 k-d tree 的构造。您将点集划分为大小相等的子集,其中一个子集完全位于另一个子集的左侧。左子集中点的 x 坐标以二进制表示从 0 开始;右侧子集中点的 x 坐标从 1 开始。然后递归地用 y 坐标细分每个子集,确定网格中 y 坐标的第一位。然后对子集进行递归调用以找到其余位。


import operator

def threshold_map_recursive(points, base, increment, result):
    if len(points) == 0:
    if len(points) == 1:
        result[points[0]] = base
    n3, r = divmod(len(points), 4)
    n0 = n3 + (r > 0)
    n2 = n3 + (r > 2)
    left = points[: n0 + n3]
    threshold_map_recursive(left[:n0], base, 4 * increment, result)
    threshold_map_recursive(left[n0:], base + 3 * increment, 4 * increment, result)
    right = points[n0 + n3 :]
    threshold_map_recursive(right[:n2], base + 2 * increment, 4 * increment, result)
    threshold_map_recursive(right[n2:], base + increment, 4 * increment, result)

def threshold_map(points):
    result = {}
    threshold_map_recursive(list(points), 0, 1, result)
    return result

def test(n, m):
    tm = threshold_map((x, y) for x in range(n) for y in range(m))
    for k in range(1, n * m):
        for y in range(m):
            print("".join("@" if tm[x, y] < k else "." for x in range(n)))

test(5, 5)