@Controller、@Service、@Repository beans 在@EnableTransactionManagement 模式下失败 = AdviceMode.PROXY 或默认失败

@Controller, @Service, @Repository beans fails on @EnableTransactionManagement in mode = AdviceMode.PROXY or default fails

为什么在默认模式或 PROXY 模式下使用 @EnableTransactionManagement 会尝试像 @Controller@Service 这样的 beans 创建,以及 @Repositories。我不会丢弃另一种针对这种不良行为的bean。


它创建代理 类 并清空 ApplicationContext 中剩余的 bean。

默认模式为PROXY。当设置 ASPECTJ 建议模式时,所有 bean 都被注入到正确的位置。 Check Spring current docs on the subject.

The mode() attribute controls how advice is applied: If the mode is AdviceMode.PROXY (the default), then the other attributes control the behavior of the proxying. Please note that proxy mode allows for interception of calls through the proxy only; local calls within the same class cannot get intercepted that way.

Note that if the mode() is set to AdviceMode.ASPECTJ, then the value of the proxyTargetClass() attribute will be ignored. Note also that in this case the spring-aspects module JAR must be present on the classpath, with compile-time weaving or load-time weaving applying the aspect to the affected classes. There is no proxy involved in such a scenario; local calls will be intercepted as well.


@Transactional 方法仍然失败。由于“TransactionRequiredException”,所以ASPECTJ并没有解决持久层的问题,只是授予bean注入(可能没有创建平台事务管理器)。接下来做什么?



处理事务时,范围必须在 beans 链中共享:@Service(也称为调用方方法)<-@Repository(也称为事务方法),@Service 上下文(class,方法)应标记为@Transactional。适用于以事务操作结束的调用堆栈中带注释的方法或 classes(自下而上 方法)。


  1. @EnableTransactionManagement(在@Configuration 中类似 classes 或 @SpringBootApplication -autoconfiguration-)
  2. @Transactional 在 bean 注入链中注释 method/classes(自下而上:持久化method/class,然后是@Service/@Component层)
  3. @Autowired bean 候选注释(Service instance in @Controller class, 存储库实例 @Service class)

注意: Spring AOP 不会从基于功能接口的特性中创建 proxy 属性,仅推荐对象实例使用封装持久性逻辑的方法。


Function<T, R> function 
BiFunction<T1,T2,R> function 
Supplier<T> supplier