尝试将元素添加到 Javascript 中的组会导致“...不是对象”。错误,即使元素是一个对象

Attempt to add an element to a group in Javascript causes "... not an object." error even though the element is an object

描述:尝试将元素添加到 javascript 组会导致 "TypeError: Argument 1 of Node.appendChild is not an object.",即使我已使用 typeof 验证它是一个对象。

let d = SVG('board').size(100, 100);

function createElem(elemId) {
  let elem;
  elem = d.rect().attr({
    id: elemId
  return elem;

function main() {
  'use strict';
  let elem, elemId, s;

  elemId = `elem101`;
  elem = createElem(elemId);
  alert(elem); // Returns ‘elem101’ although elem is an object. --A
  s = d.group();
  s.add(elem); // Appears to work fine up to this point

  // However, replacing the previous line with the following
  // three lines of code causes an error
  elem = document.getElementById(elemId);
  alert(elem); // returns ‘[object SVGRectElemnt]’; Why? -- B
  // In A, the alert returns the element id of ‘elem101’
  // but here in B it returns the rectangle object.
  // Why this difference?
  try {
    s.add(elem); // Causes error: “TypeError: Argument 1 of
    // Node.appendChild is not an object.”
    // I am unable to add the element returned by getElementById
    // to the group.
  } catch (e) {

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/svg.js/2.6.5/svg.js"></script>

<div id='board'></div>


看起来像 add expects an SVG.js object, not an DOM Node. You can get the SVG.js object from the DOM Node using the instance property

这是相同的代码段,现在使用 elem.instance,它不会引发错误。也就是说,它不会两次添加相同的元素,所以它做的不多...

如果想通过ID获取SVG.js对象,可以使用the SVG.get() method获取元素

let d = SVG('board').size(100, 100);

function createElem(elemId) {
  let elem;
  elem = d.rect().attr({
    id: elemId
  return elem;

function main() {
  'use strict';
  let elem, elemId, s;

  elemId = `elem101`;
  elem = createElem(elemId);
  // Returns ‘elem101’ although elem is an object.
  // Apparently SVG.js overrides the toString() method of their objects to
  // return the id property if present.
  s = d.group();
  s.add(elem); // Appears to work fine up to this point

  elem = document.getElementById(elemId);
  alert(elem); // returns ‘[object SVGRectElemnt]’; Why? 
  // Since you're using DOM methods, it's retrieving a DOM object.
  // To get the SVG.js object, use an SVG.js method
  // elem = SVG.get(elemId);

  try {
    s.add(elem.instance); // does nothing because of the add() call above 
  } catch (e) {
  // OR
  try {
    s.add(SVG.get(elemId)); // does nothing because of the add() call above
  } catch (e) {

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/svg.js/2.6.5/svg.js"></script>

<div id='board'></div>