使用 Powershell 从 Avaya 导出数据
Exporting data from Avaya using Powershell
我在 Access 数据库(32 位)中有一个宏,用于从 Avaya CMS 下载数据,但由于某些软件更改,我无法再使用它。我考虑过使用 Powershell(运行 在 32 位模式下)来获取所需的数据,但由于某种原因它不起作用...
Access 数据库中的宏以前是这样的:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim cvsApp As cvsApplication
Dim cvsCon As cvsConnection
Dim cvsSrv As cvsServer
Dim cvsacd As cvsacd
Dim cvsCatalog As cvsCatalog
Dim cvsRpt As cvsReport
Dim b As Object
Dim Info As Object
Global Const myAppName As String = "CMS Agent Data"
Global Const myPath As String = "\Data\Avaya\TempFiles\"
Sub AvayaLogin()
Set cvsApp = CreateObject("acsup.cvsApplication")
If cvsApp.CreateServer("login", "password", "", "server", False, "ENU", cvsSrv, cvsCon) Then
If cvsCon.Login("login", "password", "server", "ENU") Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub AvayaLogout()
On Error Resume Next
'Closes out all Avaya
Set cvsSrv = Nothing
Set cvsCon = Nothing
Set cvsApp = Nothing
End Sub
Sub AbnCallsData()
On Error Resume Next
Dim MyStartDate, MyStartTime(4), MyStopDate, MyStopTime(4), LastUpdateDate, LastUpdateTime, TimeZoneCounter As Integer, NNow, CNow
Dim TEXT1 As String
Const TimeZone = 4
'Mop up previous days with this query
LastUpdateDate = DMin("Date", "SQL_LastUpdate")
LastUpdateTime = DMin("Time", "SQL_LastUpdate")
If LastUpdateDate = Date Then
LastUpdateDate = DMax("Date", "SQL_LastUpdate")
LastUpdateTime = DMax("Time", "SQL_LastUpdate")
End If
NNow = Format(Now(), "yyyy/mm/dd hh:nn:ss")
MyStartDate = LastUpdateDate
MyStartTime(1) = "00:00:00"
MyStopTime(1) = "10:00:00"
MyStartTime(2) = "10:00:00"
MyStopTime(2) = "12:00:00"
MyStartTime(3) = "12:00:00"
MyStopTime(3) = "15:00:00"
MyStartTime(4) = "15:00:00"
MyStopTime(4) = "23:59:59"
DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmPleaseWait"
'Forms!FrmUpdatecms.Visible = False
DoCmd.RepaintObject acForm, "FrmPleaseWait"
Do Until MyStartDate = Date + 1
MyStopDate = MyStartDate
For TimeZoneCounter = 1 To TimeZone
If LastUpdateDate = Date And Format(LastUpdateTime, "hh:mm:ss") > MyStopTime(TimeZoneCounter) Then
'Skip first few time zones if applicable
CNow = Format(MyStartDate, "yyyy/mm/dd") & " " & MyStartTime(TimeZoneCounter)
'End if after last time zone
If NNow < CNow Then
Exit For
End If
If LastUpdateDate = Date And Format(LastUpdateTime, "hh:mm:ss") >= MyStartTime(TimeZoneCounter) And Format(LastUpdateTime, "hh:mm:ss") <= MyStopTime(TimeZoneCounter) Then
' Go back 30 minutes from latest record for same day
MyStartTime(TimeZoneCounter) = (Format(LastUpdateTime - 1 / 48, "hh:mm:ss"))
End If
cvsSrv.Reports.ACD = "1"
Set cvsCatalog = cvsSrv.Reports
Set cvsRpt = New cvsReport
'cvsCatalog.CreateReport cvsCatalog.Reports.Item("Historical\Other\Call Records"), cvsRpt
Set Info = cvsSrv.Reports.Reports("Historical\Designer\Call Records SL")
b = cvsSrv.Reports.CreateReport(Info, cvsRpt)
If cvsRpt.SetProperty("Start Date", MyStartDate) Then
End If
If cvsRpt.SetProperty("Start Time", MyStartTime(TimeZoneCounter)) Then
End If
If cvsRpt.SetProperty("Stop Date", MyStopDate) Then
End If
If cvsRpt.SetProperty("Stop Time", MyStopTime(TimeZoneCounter)) Then
End If
'Exports the Avaya report
cvsRpt.FastLoad = True
cvsRpt.ExportData myPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV", 44, 0, True, True, True
'Copy to SQL Server Box
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (FSO.FileExists(TSQLPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV")) Then FSO.DeleteFile (TSQLPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV")
If (FSO.FileExists(myPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV")) Then FSO.CopyFile myPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV", TSQLPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV"
'Update Data in TSQl Server
Call Update_SQL1
If (FSO.FileExists(TSQLPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV")) Then FSO.DeleteFile (TSQLPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV")
End If
Next TimeZoneCounter
MyStartDate = MyStartDate + 1
DoCmd.Close acForm, "FrmPleasewait"
Call Update_SQL2
Call AvayaLogout
End Sub
$cvsApp = New-Object -ComObject "ACSUP.cvsApplication"
$cvsCon = New-Object -ComObject "ACSCN.cvsConnection"
$cvsSrv = New-Object -ComObject "ACSUPSRV.cvsServer"
$Rep = New-Object -ComObject "ACSREP.cvsReport"
function Get-CallRecordDates {
some sql queries to get the dates I need to run it for
$dates = Get-CallRecordDates
$cvsCon.bAutoRetry = $true
$cvsApp.CreateServer("", "", "", "", $False, "ENU", [ref] $cvsSrv, [ref] $cvsCon) #Thank you HAL9256
$cvsCon.Login("", "", "", "ENU")
$cvsSrv.Reports.ACD = "1"
for($i=0; $i -lt $dates.Table.Rows.Count; $i++)
$maindate = Get-Date "$(Get-Date $dates.Table.Rows.Item($i).Date -Format 'dd/MM/yyyy') $(Get-Date $dates.Table.Rows.Item($i).Time -Format 'HH:mm')"
if($dates.Item($i).Commentary -eq "Last"){
$startdatetime = $maindate.AddHours(-2)
$enddatetime = Get-Date
$startdatetime = $maindate.AddHours(-1)
$enddatetime = $maindate.AddHours(1)
$startdate = Get-Date $startdatetime -Format "dd/MM/yyyy"
$starttime = Get-Date $startdatetime -Format "HH:mm"
$enddate = Get-Date $enddatetime -Format "dd/MM/yyyy"
$endtime = Get-Date $enddatetime -Format "HH:mm"
$Info = $cvsSrv.Reports.Reports("Historical\Designer\Call Records SL")
$Rep.TimeZone = "default"
$Rep.SetProperty("Start Date",$startdate)
$Rep.SetProperty("Start Time",$starttime)
$Rep.SetProperty("Stop Date",$enddate)
$Rep.SetProperty("Stop Time",$endtime)
$Rep.FastLoad = $True
$Rep.ExportData("C:\Users\me\Desktop\CallRecords$($i).csv", 44, 0, $True, $True, $True)
$dates = Get-CallRecordDates
对象 $cvsSrv 根本看不到连接。
它在 $cvsSrv.Reports.ACD = "1" 行失败,说 "The property 'ACD' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set."
脚本使用 $cvsSrv 的任何行只是 returns 错误。
我尝试在网上查找,但我觉得我是地球上唯一试图将 Avaya 和 Powershell 结合起来的人...
该消息暗示 $csvSrv
当您创建 COM 对象时,它们是空的。当您调用函数并将变量作为参数传递给它时,您必须传递变量 by reference 以便函数获取对象并填充它。即
$cvsApp = New-Object -ComObject "ACSUP.cvsApplication"
$cvsCon = New-Object -ComObject "ACSCN.cvsConnection"
$cvsSrv = New-Object -ComObject "ACSUPSRV.cvsServer"
$Rep = New-Object -ComObject "ACSREP.cvsReport"
$cvsApp.CreateServer("login", "password", "", "server", $False, "ENU", [ref] $cvsSrv, [ref] $cvsCon)
同样,(根据评论)您必须对 $Rep
$Info = $cvsSrv.Reports.Reports("Historical\Designer\Call Records SL")
If($cvsSrv.Reports.CreateReport($Info, [ref] $Rep)){
$Rep.TimeZone = "default"
注意,在这种情况下,您没有通过 $Info
引用。这是因为您直接将 return 值从函数分配给 $Info
变量。但是对于 $Rep
因为它是作为参数传递的,所以你必须通过 [ref]
经过多次尝试和错误后,我无法让它工作,所以我放弃并尝试了不同的方法。这是我 运行 使用 PowerShell 将数据从 Avaya 上传到 SQL 服务器的完整脚本:
if(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name SqlServer) {} else {Install-Module -Name SqlServer -AllowClobber -Confirm:$False -Force} #installs SqlServer module if not installed
function Get-CallRecordDates {
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query “SELECT [Date],[Time],[Commentary] FROM [CallRecords].[dbo].[ForSQLload] order by [Date],[Time]” -ServerInstance "myserver"
$dates = @(Get-CallRecordDates)
#declare where the csv files will be saved
$csv = "G:\SQLDataLoad\Avaya"
#declare where the .acsauto file will be saved
$acsauto = "G:\SQLDataLoad\Avaya\CallRecordsJS.acsauto"
#These will format the acsauto file just right
$blockstart = "'LANGUAGE=ENU
Public Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
cvsSrv.Reports.ACD = 1
Set Info = cvsSrv.Reports.Reports(`"Historical\Designer\Call Records SL`")
If Info Is not Nothing Then
$blockend = "If Not cvsSrv.Interactive Then cvsSrv.ActiveTasks.Remove Rep.TaskID
Set Rep = Nothing
End If
Set Info = Nothing
End Sub"
#Start creating the content for acsauto file
$contentacsauto = $blockstart
#looping through the missing records. If there are none, it will only download the latest data.
for($i=0; $i -lt $dates.Count; $i++)
$maindate = Get-Date "$(Get-Date $dates.Item($i).Date -Format 'dd/MM/yyyy') $(Get-Date $dates.Item($i).Time -Format 'HH:mm')"
if($dates.Item($i).Commentary -eq "Last"){
$startdatetime = $maindate.AddHours(-3)
$enddatetime = Get-Date
Write-Host "Adding time range to the script; from $startdatetime to $enddatetime `nIt will be exported to $csv\CallRecords-$i.csv`nTime is $(Get-Date) now."
$startdatetime = $maindate.AddHours(-1)
$enddatetime = $maindate.AddHours(1)
Write-Host "Adding time range to the script as some CallID is missing in that period; from $startdatetime to $enddatetime `nIt will be exported to $csv\CallRecords-$i.csv"
#formating the dates and times for the parameters
$startdate = Get-Date $startdatetime -Format "dd/MM/yyyy"
$starttime = Get-Date $startdatetime -Format "HH:mm"
$enddate = Get-Date $enddatetime -Format "dd/MM/yyyy"
$endtime = Get-Date $enddatetime -Format "HH:mm"
$MiddleBlock = "
If cvsSrv.Reports.CreateReport(Info,Rep) Then
Rep.TimeZone = `"default`"
Rep.SetProperty `"Start Date`",`"$startdate`"
Rep.SetProperty `"Start Time`",`"$starttime`"
Rep.SetProperty `"Stop Date`",`"$enddate`"
Rep.SetProperty `"Stop Time`",`"$endtime`"
b = Rep.ExportData(`"$csv\CallRecords-$i.csv`", 44, 0, True, True, True)
End If
$contentacsauto = $contentacsauto + $MiddleBlock
$contentacsauto = $contentacsauto + $blockend
$contentacsauto | Out-File $acsauto -Encoding ascii
& $acsauto
$stop = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(10)
while (((Get-ChildItem $csv -Filter "CallRecord*.csv").Count -lt $i) -and ($(Get-Date) -lt $stop)) {Start-Sleep -Seconds 2}
if($(Get-Date) -ge $stop) {
Write-Host "This thing timed out as it took longer than 10 minutes to export, at $(Get-Date)"
Get-Process "acs*" | Stop-Process -PassThru | Out-Null}
Write-Host "Saved $((Get-ChildItem $csv -Filter "CallRecord*.csv").Count) file(s) at $(Get-Date)"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
$csvfiles = Get-ChildItem $csv -Filter "CallRecord*.csv"
$callrecords = Import-Csv -Path $csvfiles | Sort-Object 'Call ID','Segment' -Unique
Remove-Item $csvfiles -Force | Out-Null
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "delete from CallRecords.dbo.TempCallDataTemp" -ServerInstance "myserver"
Write-SqlTableData -InputData $callrecords -ServerInstance "myserver" -DatabaseName "CallRecords" -SchemaName "dbo" -TableName "TempCallDataTemp" -force
基本上我创建了一个 "CallRecords.acsauto" 文件,然后我 运行,等待所有文件准备就绪(检查一下,如果它冻结 10 分钟就会将其关闭) ,导入它们并上传到 sql 服务器。然后我调用一堆 sql 命令来格式化它并将它复制到主 table.
我在 Access 数据库(32 位)中有一个宏,用于从 Avaya CMS 下载数据,但由于某些软件更改,我无法再使用它。我考虑过使用 Powershell(运行 在 32 位模式下)来获取所需的数据,但由于某种原因它不起作用...
Access 数据库中的宏以前是这样的:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim cvsApp As cvsApplication
Dim cvsCon As cvsConnection
Dim cvsSrv As cvsServer
Dim cvsacd As cvsacd
Dim cvsCatalog As cvsCatalog
Dim cvsRpt As cvsReport
Dim b As Object
Dim Info As Object
Global Const myAppName As String = "CMS Agent Data"
Global Const myPath As String = "\Data\Avaya\TempFiles\"
Sub AvayaLogin()
Set cvsApp = CreateObject("acsup.cvsApplication")
If cvsApp.CreateServer("login", "password", "", "server", False, "ENU", cvsSrv, cvsCon) Then
If cvsCon.Login("login", "password", "server", "ENU") Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub AvayaLogout()
On Error Resume Next
'Closes out all Avaya
Set cvsSrv = Nothing
Set cvsCon = Nothing
Set cvsApp = Nothing
End Sub
Sub AbnCallsData()
On Error Resume Next
Dim MyStartDate, MyStartTime(4), MyStopDate, MyStopTime(4), LastUpdateDate, LastUpdateTime, TimeZoneCounter As Integer, NNow, CNow
Dim TEXT1 As String
Const TimeZone = 4
'Mop up previous days with this query
LastUpdateDate = DMin("Date", "SQL_LastUpdate")
LastUpdateTime = DMin("Time", "SQL_LastUpdate")
If LastUpdateDate = Date Then
LastUpdateDate = DMax("Date", "SQL_LastUpdate")
LastUpdateTime = DMax("Time", "SQL_LastUpdate")
End If
NNow = Format(Now(), "yyyy/mm/dd hh:nn:ss")
MyStartDate = LastUpdateDate
MyStartTime(1) = "00:00:00"
MyStopTime(1) = "10:00:00"
MyStartTime(2) = "10:00:00"
MyStopTime(2) = "12:00:00"
MyStartTime(3) = "12:00:00"
MyStopTime(3) = "15:00:00"
MyStartTime(4) = "15:00:00"
MyStopTime(4) = "23:59:59"
DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmPleaseWait"
'Forms!FrmUpdatecms.Visible = False
DoCmd.RepaintObject acForm, "FrmPleaseWait"
Do Until MyStartDate = Date + 1
MyStopDate = MyStartDate
For TimeZoneCounter = 1 To TimeZone
If LastUpdateDate = Date And Format(LastUpdateTime, "hh:mm:ss") > MyStopTime(TimeZoneCounter) Then
'Skip first few time zones if applicable
CNow = Format(MyStartDate, "yyyy/mm/dd") & " " & MyStartTime(TimeZoneCounter)
'End if after last time zone
If NNow < CNow Then
Exit For
End If
If LastUpdateDate = Date And Format(LastUpdateTime, "hh:mm:ss") >= MyStartTime(TimeZoneCounter) And Format(LastUpdateTime, "hh:mm:ss") <= MyStopTime(TimeZoneCounter) Then
' Go back 30 minutes from latest record for same day
MyStartTime(TimeZoneCounter) = (Format(LastUpdateTime - 1 / 48, "hh:mm:ss"))
End If
cvsSrv.Reports.ACD = "1"
Set cvsCatalog = cvsSrv.Reports
Set cvsRpt = New cvsReport
'cvsCatalog.CreateReport cvsCatalog.Reports.Item("Historical\Other\Call Records"), cvsRpt
Set Info = cvsSrv.Reports.Reports("Historical\Designer\Call Records SL")
b = cvsSrv.Reports.CreateReport(Info, cvsRpt)
If cvsRpt.SetProperty("Start Date", MyStartDate) Then
End If
If cvsRpt.SetProperty("Start Time", MyStartTime(TimeZoneCounter)) Then
End If
If cvsRpt.SetProperty("Stop Date", MyStopDate) Then
End If
If cvsRpt.SetProperty("Stop Time", MyStopTime(TimeZoneCounter)) Then
End If
'Exports the Avaya report
cvsRpt.FastLoad = True
cvsRpt.ExportData myPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV", 44, 0, True, True, True
'Copy to SQL Server Box
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (FSO.FileExists(TSQLPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV")) Then FSO.DeleteFile (TSQLPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV")
If (FSO.FileExists(myPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV")) Then FSO.CopyFile myPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV", TSQLPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV"
'Update Data in TSQl Server
Call Update_SQL1
If (FSO.FileExists(TSQLPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV")) Then FSO.DeleteFile (TSQLPath & "CallRecords" & ".CSV")
End If
Next TimeZoneCounter
MyStartDate = MyStartDate + 1
DoCmd.Close acForm, "FrmPleasewait"
Call Update_SQL2
Call AvayaLogout
End Sub
$cvsApp = New-Object -ComObject "ACSUP.cvsApplication"
$cvsCon = New-Object -ComObject "ACSCN.cvsConnection"
$cvsSrv = New-Object -ComObject "ACSUPSRV.cvsServer"
$Rep = New-Object -ComObject "ACSREP.cvsReport"
function Get-CallRecordDates {
some sql queries to get the dates I need to run it for
$dates = Get-CallRecordDates
$cvsCon.bAutoRetry = $true
$cvsApp.CreateServer("", "", "", "", $False, "ENU", [ref] $cvsSrv, [ref] $cvsCon) #Thank you HAL9256
$cvsCon.Login("", "", "", "ENU")
$cvsSrv.Reports.ACD = "1"
for($i=0; $i -lt $dates.Table.Rows.Count; $i++)
$maindate = Get-Date "$(Get-Date $dates.Table.Rows.Item($i).Date -Format 'dd/MM/yyyy') $(Get-Date $dates.Table.Rows.Item($i).Time -Format 'HH:mm')"
if($dates.Item($i).Commentary -eq "Last"){
$startdatetime = $maindate.AddHours(-2)
$enddatetime = Get-Date
$startdatetime = $maindate.AddHours(-1)
$enddatetime = $maindate.AddHours(1)
$startdate = Get-Date $startdatetime -Format "dd/MM/yyyy"
$starttime = Get-Date $startdatetime -Format "HH:mm"
$enddate = Get-Date $enddatetime -Format "dd/MM/yyyy"
$endtime = Get-Date $enddatetime -Format "HH:mm"
$Info = $cvsSrv.Reports.Reports("Historical\Designer\Call Records SL")
$Rep.TimeZone = "default"
$Rep.SetProperty("Start Date",$startdate)
$Rep.SetProperty("Start Time",$starttime)
$Rep.SetProperty("Stop Date",$enddate)
$Rep.SetProperty("Stop Time",$endtime)
$Rep.FastLoad = $True
$Rep.ExportData("C:\Users\me\Desktop\CallRecords$($i).csv", 44, 0, $True, $True, $True)
$dates = Get-CallRecordDates
对象 $cvsSrv 根本看不到连接。 它在 $cvsSrv.Reports.ACD = "1" 行失败,说 "The property 'ACD' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set." 脚本使用 $cvsSrv 的任何行只是 returns 错误。
我尝试在网上查找,但我觉得我是地球上唯一试图将 Avaya 和 Powershell 结合起来的人...
该消息暗示 $csvSrv
当您创建 COM 对象时,它们是空的。当您调用函数并将变量作为参数传递给它时,您必须传递变量 by reference 以便函数获取对象并填充它。即
$cvsApp = New-Object -ComObject "ACSUP.cvsApplication"
$cvsCon = New-Object -ComObject "ACSCN.cvsConnection"
$cvsSrv = New-Object -ComObject "ACSUPSRV.cvsServer"
$Rep = New-Object -ComObject "ACSREP.cvsReport"
$cvsApp.CreateServer("login", "password", "", "server", $False, "ENU", [ref] $cvsSrv, [ref] $cvsCon)
同样,(根据评论)您必须对 $Rep
$Info = $cvsSrv.Reports.Reports("Historical\Designer\Call Records SL")
If($cvsSrv.Reports.CreateReport($Info, [ref] $Rep)){
$Rep.TimeZone = "default"
注意,在这种情况下,您没有通过 $Info
引用。这是因为您直接将 return 值从函数分配给 $Info
变量。但是对于 $Rep
因为它是作为参数传递的,所以你必须通过 [ref]
经过多次尝试和错误后,我无法让它工作,所以我放弃并尝试了不同的方法。这是我 运行 使用 PowerShell 将数据从 Avaya 上传到 SQL 服务器的完整脚本:
if(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name SqlServer) {} else {Install-Module -Name SqlServer -AllowClobber -Confirm:$False -Force} #installs SqlServer module if not installed
function Get-CallRecordDates {
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query “SELECT [Date],[Time],[Commentary] FROM [CallRecords].[dbo].[ForSQLload] order by [Date],[Time]” -ServerInstance "myserver"
$dates = @(Get-CallRecordDates)
#declare where the csv files will be saved
$csv = "G:\SQLDataLoad\Avaya"
#declare where the .acsauto file will be saved
$acsauto = "G:\SQLDataLoad\Avaya\CallRecordsJS.acsauto"
#These will format the acsauto file just right
$blockstart = "'LANGUAGE=ENU
Public Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
cvsSrv.Reports.ACD = 1
Set Info = cvsSrv.Reports.Reports(`"Historical\Designer\Call Records SL`")
If Info Is not Nothing Then
$blockend = "If Not cvsSrv.Interactive Then cvsSrv.ActiveTasks.Remove Rep.TaskID
Set Rep = Nothing
End If
Set Info = Nothing
End Sub"
#Start creating the content for acsauto file
$contentacsauto = $blockstart
#looping through the missing records. If there are none, it will only download the latest data.
for($i=0; $i -lt $dates.Count; $i++)
$maindate = Get-Date "$(Get-Date $dates.Item($i).Date -Format 'dd/MM/yyyy') $(Get-Date $dates.Item($i).Time -Format 'HH:mm')"
if($dates.Item($i).Commentary -eq "Last"){
$startdatetime = $maindate.AddHours(-3)
$enddatetime = Get-Date
Write-Host "Adding time range to the script; from $startdatetime to $enddatetime `nIt will be exported to $csv\CallRecords-$i.csv`nTime is $(Get-Date) now."
$startdatetime = $maindate.AddHours(-1)
$enddatetime = $maindate.AddHours(1)
Write-Host "Adding time range to the script as some CallID is missing in that period; from $startdatetime to $enddatetime `nIt will be exported to $csv\CallRecords-$i.csv"
#formating the dates and times for the parameters
$startdate = Get-Date $startdatetime -Format "dd/MM/yyyy"
$starttime = Get-Date $startdatetime -Format "HH:mm"
$enddate = Get-Date $enddatetime -Format "dd/MM/yyyy"
$endtime = Get-Date $enddatetime -Format "HH:mm"
$MiddleBlock = "
If cvsSrv.Reports.CreateReport(Info,Rep) Then
Rep.TimeZone = `"default`"
Rep.SetProperty `"Start Date`",`"$startdate`"
Rep.SetProperty `"Start Time`",`"$starttime`"
Rep.SetProperty `"Stop Date`",`"$enddate`"
Rep.SetProperty `"Stop Time`",`"$endtime`"
b = Rep.ExportData(`"$csv\CallRecords-$i.csv`", 44, 0, True, True, True)
End If
$contentacsauto = $contentacsauto + $MiddleBlock
$contentacsauto = $contentacsauto + $blockend
$contentacsauto | Out-File $acsauto -Encoding ascii
& $acsauto
$stop = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(10)
while (((Get-ChildItem $csv -Filter "CallRecord*.csv").Count -lt $i) -and ($(Get-Date) -lt $stop)) {Start-Sleep -Seconds 2}
if($(Get-Date) -ge $stop) {
Write-Host "This thing timed out as it took longer than 10 minutes to export, at $(Get-Date)"
Get-Process "acs*" | Stop-Process -PassThru | Out-Null}
Write-Host "Saved $((Get-ChildItem $csv -Filter "CallRecord*.csv").Count) file(s) at $(Get-Date)"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
$csvfiles = Get-ChildItem $csv -Filter "CallRecord*.csv"
$callrecords = Import-Csv -Path $csvfiles | Sort-Object 'Call ID','Segment' -Unique
Remove-Item $csvfiles -Force | Out-Null
Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "delete from CallRecords.dbo.TempCallDataTemp" -ServerInstance "myserver"
Write-SqlTableData -InputData $callrecords -ServerInstance "myserver" -DatabaseName "CallRecords" -SchemaName "dbo" -TableName "TempCallDataTemp" -force
基本上我创建了一个 "CallRecords.acsauto" 文件,然后我 运行,等待所有文件准备就绪(检查一下,如果它冻结 10 分钟就会将其关闭) ,导入它们并上传到 sql 服务器。然后我调用一堆 sql 命令来格式化它并将它复制到主 table.