忽略来自 Spring Bean Post Processor 的依赖库的 @Value 字段处理

Ignore @Value field processing of dependent libraries from Spring Bean Post Processor


public class Dependency {

  private String xyz;

  private String abc;

  public Dependency() {


  public Dependency(String xyz, String abc) {
    this.xyz = xyz;
    this.abc = abc;

我正在尝试在启动时在另一个项目中创建 Dependency 的实例,如下所示:

@PropertySource(value = {
}, ignoreResourceNotFound = true)

public class Test {

  @Bean(name = "dependencyBean")
  public Dependent getDependent() {
    return new Dependent("xyz", "abc");


public class SomeClass {

  AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);
  Dependent d = ctx.getBean("dependencyBean"); 



BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'dependentBean': Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Could not autowire field: private java.lang.String xyz;

如何在不调用 postProcessPropertyValues 的情况下创建 Dependent class 的实例,后者试图使用 @Value 注释解析字段?

您首先需要启用 bean 覆盖;


并且让您的自定义 bean 具有与 @Service 注释 class;

@Bean(name = "dependency")
public Dependency getDependent() {
    return new Dependency("xyz", "abc");

因此,您可以使用手动初始化的 bean 覆盖 @Service 注释的 Dependency。但要实现这一点,您首先必须禁止您的自定义 getDependent() 结果 bean 触发 @Value 注释,为此,您需要更改 Dependency class @Value 构造函数的注入方法。这样的话,只有Spring自动注入时,@Value注解才会触发,手动调用new Dependency("xyz", "abc")时不会触发。

public class Dependency {

    private String xyz;
    private String abc;

    public Dependency(@Value("${xyz.value}") String xyz, @Value("${abc.value}") String abc) {
        this.xyz = xyz;
        this.abc = abc;

进行这些更改后,您的自定义 bean 将不会出现错误。