C++ & Python:将 return 二维双指针数组从 python 传递给 C++
C++ & Python: Pass and return a 2D double pointer array from python to c++
我想将二维数组从 Python 传递给 C++ 函数,然后 return 将相同类型、相同维度的数组传递给 Python。我知道这个问题已经被问过好几次了,但我一直没能找到与我的问题相关的答案。对于我的问题,我必须使用双指针数组并使用函数 returning 双指针数组(不是许多示例所示的 void
我的 C++ 函数是:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
extern "C" double** dot(double **a, int m, int n){
double **arr = (double **)malloc(m * sizeof(double *));
for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
arr[i] = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
for (int i=0; i < m; i++){
for (int j=0; j < n; j++){
arr[i][j] = a[i][j];
return arr;
。我知道我可以使用 Swig
界面,但我宁愿避免使用它,因为我不太了解它。但是,我仍然愿意接受任何建议。如果我必须使用 Swig
我的问题是,如果我没有记错的话,我将不得不使用 Typemap
import ctypes as c
import numpy as np
ty_ = np.ctypeslib._ctype_ndarray(c.POINTER(c.POINTER(c.c_double)), (3,3))
x = np.arange(9.).reshape(3,3)
_dll = ctypes.CDLL('./double_2D.so')
_foobar = _dll.dot
_foobar.argtype = type(y)
_foobar.restype = type(y)
d = _foobar(y, 3, 3) #I would like d to be a nice matrix like x
c.cast(_foobar(y,3,3), c.POINTER(c.POINTER(c.c_double)))
但是上述示例中的 none 有效。因此,任何关于定义 argtype
或 restype
或 Swig
中的 Typemap
清单[Python.Docs]: ctypes - A foreign function library for Python.
- "双指针数组" 具有误导性:
- 没有数组
- "double pointer" 可能意味着 pointer to double 或 pointer to pointer to东西(包括 double)
- 带有双指针的解决方案(指向 double :))似乎有点复杂,(如评论中所述)。我倾向于认为这是一个 XY 问题。通常,一个人应该只处理简单的指针,特别是如果他们在这一领域的知识不是很强(这似乎适用于此,正如我从与您提交的其他问题相同(或非常相似)的问题中注意到的那样然后删除)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
# define DLL00_EXPORT_API __declspec(dllexport)
# define DLL00_EXPORT_API
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
DLL00_EXPORT_API double **init(double **ppMat, int m, int n);
DLL00_EXPORT_API int cleanup(double **ppMat, int m);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
DLL00_EXPORT_API double **init(double **ppMat, int m, int n)
const double factor = 7.0;
printf("\n----- FROM C: Multiplying input matrix by: %.3f\n", factor);
double **ret = malloc(m * sizeof(double*));
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
ret[i] = malloc(n * sizeof(double));
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
ret[i][j] = ppMat[i][j] * factor;
return ret;
DLL00_EXPORT_API int cleanup(double **ppMat, int m)
int ret = 0;
if (ppMat) {
printf("\n----- FROM C: free\n");
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
ppMat[i] = NULL;
return ++ret;
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import ctypes as ct
from pprint import pprint as pp
DLL_NAME = "./dll00.{:s}".format("dll" if sys.platform[:3].lower() == "win" else "so")
def ptr2d_to_mat(ptr, rows, cols):
return tuple(tuple(ptr[i][j] for j in range(cols)) for i in range(rows))
def main(*argv):
dll00 = ct.CDLL(DLL_NAME)
init = dll00.init
cleanup = dll00.cleanup
rows = 4
cols = 6
DblPtr = ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)
DblPtrPtr = ct.POINTER(DblPtr)
init.argtypes = [DblPtrPtr, ct.c_int, ct.c_int]
init.restype = DblPtrPtr
cleanup.argtypes = [DblPtrPtr, ct.c_int]
cleanup.restype = ct.c_int
DblPtrArr = DblPtr * rows
DblArr = ct.c_double * cols
DblArrArr = DblArr * rows
first_value = 6
in_mat = tuple(tuple(range(cols * i + first_value, cols * (i + 1) + first_value)) for i in range(rows))
print("Input matrix:")
in_arr = DblArrArr(*in_mat)
in_ptr = ct.cast(DblPtrArr(*(ct.cast(row, DblPtr) for row in in_arr)), DblPtrPtr) # Cast each row and the final array to (corresponding) pointers
out_ptr = init(in_ptr, rows, cols)
out_mat = ptr2d_to_mat(out_ptr, rows, cols)
cleanup(out_ptr, rows)
print("\nOutput matrix:")
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Python {:s} {:03d}bit on {:s}\n".format(" ".join(item.strip() for item in sys.version.split("\n")),
64 if sys.maxsize > 0x100000000 else 32, sys.platform))
rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])
[cfati@CFATI-5510-0:e:\Work\Dev\Whosebug\q058226790]> sopr.bat
### Set shorter prompt to better fit when pasted in Whosebug (or other) pages ###
[prompt]> "c:\Install\x86\Microsoft\Visual Studio Community17\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64>nul
[prompt]> dir /b
[prompt]> cl /nologo /DDLL dll00.c /link /NOLOGO /DLL /OUT:dll00.dll
Creating library dll00.lib and object dll00.exp
[prompt]> dir /b
[prompt]> "e:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py_064_03.07.03_test0\Scripts\python.exe" code00.py
Python 3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 22:22:05) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] 064bit on win32
Input matrix:
((6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11),
(12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17),
(18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23),
(24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29))
----- FROM C: Multiplying input matrix by: 7.000
----- FROM C: free
Output matrix:
((42.0, 49.0, 56.0, 63.0, 70.0, 77.0),
(84.0, 91.0, 98.0, 105.0, 112.0, 119.0),
(126.0, 133.0, 140.0, 147.0, 154.0, 161.0),
(168.0, 175.0, 182.0, 189.0, 196.0, 203.0))
你也可以看看 [SO]: Problems with passing and getting arrays for a C function using ctypes (@CristiFati's answer),它与这个非常相似(我想说几乎相同)。
我想将二维数组从 Python 传递给 C++ 函数,然后 return 将相同类型、相同维度的数组传递给 Python。我知道这个问题已经被问过好几次了,但我一直没能找到与我的问题相关的答案。对于我的问题,我必须使用双指针数组并使用函数 returning 双指针数组(不是许多示例所示的 void
我的 C++ 函数是:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
extern "C" double** dot(double **a, int m, int n){
double **arr = (double **)malloc(m * sizeof(double *));
for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
arr[i] = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
for (int i=0; i < m; i++){
for (int j=0; j < n; j++){
arr[i][j] = a[i][j];
return arr;
。我知道我可以使用 Swig
界面,但我宁愿避免使用它,因为我不太了解它。但是,我仍然愿意接受任何建议。如果我必须使用 Swig
我的问题是,如果我没有记错的话,我将不得不使用 Typemap
import ctypes as c
import numpy as np
ty_ = np.ctypeslib._ctype_ndarray(c.POINTER(c.POINTER(c.c_double)), (3,3))
x = np.arange(9.).reshape(3,3)
_dll = ctypes.CDLL('./double_2D.so')
_foobar = _dll.dot
_foobar.argtype = type(y)
_foobar.restype = type(y)
d = _foobar(y, 3, 3) #I would like d to be a nice matrix like x
c.cast(_foobar(y,3,3), c.POINTER(c.POINTER(c.c_double)))
但是上述示例中的 none 有效。因此,任何关于定义 argtype
或 restype
或 Swig
中的 Typemap
清单[Python.Docs]: ctypes - A foreign function library for Python.
- "双指针数组" 具有误导性:
- 没有数组
- "double pointer" 可能意味着 pointer to double 或 pointer to pointer to东西(包括 double)
- 带有双指针的解决方案(指向 double :))似乎有点复杂,(如评论中所述)。我倾向于认为这是一个 XY 问题。通常,一个人应该只处理简单的指针,特别是如果他们在这一领域的知识不是很强(这似乎适用于此,正如我从与您提交的其他问题相同(或非常相似)的问题中注意到的那样然后删除)
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
# define DLL00_EXPORT_API __declspec(dllexport)
# define DLL00_EXPORT_API
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
DLL00_EXPORT_API double **init(double **ppMat, int m, int n);
DLL00_EXPORT_API int cleanup(double **ppMat, int m);
#if defined(__cplusplus)
DLL00_EXPORT_API double **init(double **ppMat, int m, int n)
const double factor = 7.0;
printf("\n----- FROM C: Multiplying input matrix by: %.3f\n", factor);
double **ret = malloc(m * sizeof(double*));
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
ret[i] = malloc(n * sizeof(double));
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
ret[i][j] = ppMat[i][j] * factor;
return ret;
DLL00_EXPORT_API int cleanup(double **ppMat, int m)
int ret = 0;
if (ppMat) {
printf("\n----- FROM C: free\n");
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
ppMat[i] = NULL;
return ++ret;
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import ctypes as ct
from pprint import pprint as pp
DLL_NAME = "./dll00.{:s}".format("dll" if sys.platform[:3].lower() == "win" else "so")
def ptr2d_to_mat(ptr, rows, cols):
return tuple(tuple(ptr[i][j] for j in range(cols)) for i in range(rows))
def main(*argv):
dll00 = ct.CDLL(DLL_NAME)
init = dll00.init
cleanup = dll00.cleanup
rows = 4
cols = 6
DblPtr = ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)
DblPtrPtr = ct.POINTER(DblPtr)
init.argtypes = [DblPtrPtr, ct.c_int, ct.c_int]
init.restype = DblPtrPtr
cleanup.argtypes = [DblPtrPtr, ct.c_int]
cleanup.restype = ct.c_int
DblPtrArr = DblPtr * rows
DblArr = ct.c_double * cols
DblArrArr = DblArr * rows
first_value = 6
in_mat = tuple(tuple(range(cols * i + first_value, cols * (i + 1) + first_value)) for i in range(rows))
print("Input matrix:")
in_arr = DblArrArr(*in_mat)
in_ptr = ct.cast(DblPtrArr(*(ct.cast(row, DblPtr) for row in in_arr)), DblPtrPtr) # Cast each row and the final array to (corresponding) pointers
out_ptr = init(in_ptr, rows, cols)
out_mat = ptr2d_to_mat(out_ptr, rows, cols)
cleanup(out_ptr, rows)
print("\nOutput matrix:")
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Python {:s} {:03d}bit on {:s}\n".format(" ".join(item.strip() for item in sys.version.split("\n")),
64 if sys.maxsize > 0x100000000 else 32, sys.platform))
rc = main(*sys.argv[1:])
[cfati@CFATI-5510-0:e:\Work\Dev\Whosebug\q058226790]> sopr.bat ### Set shorter prompt to better fit when pasted in Whosebug (or other) pages ### [prompt]> "c:\Install\x86\Microsoft\Visual Studio Community17\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64>nul [prompt]> dir /b code00.py dll00.c [prompt]> cl /nologo /DDLL dll00.c /link /NOLOGO /DLL /OUT:dll00.dll dll00.c Creating library dll00.lib and object dll00.exp [prompt]> dir /b code00.py dll00.c dll00.dll dll00.exp dll00.lib dll00.obj [prompt]> "e:\Work\Dev\VEnvs\py_064_03.07.03_test0\Scripts\python.exe" code00.py Python 3.7.3 (v3.7.3:ef4ec6ed12, Mar 25 2019, 22:22:05) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] 064bit on win32 Input matrix: ((6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), (12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17), (18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23), (24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29)) ----- FROM C: Multiplying input matrix by: 7.000 ----- FROM C: free Output matrix: ((42.0, 49.0, 56.0, 63.0, 70.0, 77.0), (84.0, 91.0, 98.0, 105.0, 112.0, 119.0), (126.0, 133.0, 140.0, 147.0, 154.0, 161.0), (168.0, 175.0, 182.0, 189.0, 196.0, 203.0)) Done.
你也可以看看 [SO]: Problems with passing and getting arrays for a C function using ctypes (@CristiFati's answer),它与这个非常相似(我想说几乎相同)。