
How to implement a command list for multiple users?



目标是使用户能够调用他们可用的命令。 例如,

如果我在输入端有两个变量 - commandNameuserName.[=10,那么实现这个的最佳方法是什么=]



  1. 创建角色并为其分配一组权限;
  2. 为您的用户分配角色并创建为特定用户添加额外权限的能力;
  3. 将您的命令处理程序拆分为不同的方法(没有开关!)并在开始执行命令时检查权限。


public ExecutionResult ExecuteCommand1(User user, string[] arguments) {
   if(!user.HasPermission("admin.test.permission")) {
       return new ExecutionResult() {
           Error = true,
           Message = "You don't have permissions to execute that command!"


   return new ExecutionResult {
       Message = "Karma points were added!"




 var commandList = new Dictionary<string, Action>();
            commandList.Add("command1", () => { Console.WriteLine("command1 is executed"); });
            commandList.Add("command2", () => { Console.WriteLine("command2 is executed"); });
            commandList.Add("command3", () => { Console.WriteLine("command3 is executed"); });
            var listOfUserCommands = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
            listOfUserCommands.Add("user1", new List<string>() { "command1" });
            listOfUserCommands.Add("user2", new List<string>() { "command2", "command3" });

            var userName = "user1";
            var commandName = "command2";
            if (listOfUserCommands.ContainsKey(userName) && listOfUserCommands[userName].Contains(commandName))


public interface IExecutionCommand
        Action Action { set; get;}
        List<string> Aliases { set; get; }

    public class ExecutionCommand1: IExecutionCommand
        public Action Action { set; get; }
        public List<string> Aliases { set; get; }
        public ExecutionCommand1()
            Action = () => { Console.WriteLine("command1 is executed"); };
            Aliases = new List<string>() { "cmd1" };
    public class ExecutionCommand2: IExecutionCommand
        public Action Action { set; get; }
        public List<string> Aliases { set; get; }
        public ExecutionCommand2()
            Action = () => { Console.WriteLine("command2 is executed"); };
            Aliases = new List<string>() { "cmd2" };
    public class ExecutionCommand3: IExecutionCommand
        public Action Action { set; get; }
        public List<string> Aliases { set; get; }
        public ExecutionCommand3()
            Action = () => { Console.WriteLine("command3 is executed"); };
            Aliases = new List<string>() { "cmd3" };
    public static void Main()
        var commandList = new List<IExecutionCommand>();
        commandList.Add(new ExecutionCommand1());
        commandList.Add(new ExecutionCommand2());
        commandList.Add(new ExecutionCommand3());
        var listOfUserCommands = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
        listOfUserCommands.Add("user1", new List<string>() { "cmd2" });
        listOfUserCommands.Add("user2", new List<string>() { "command1", "command3" });

        var userName = "user1";
        var commandName = "cmd2";

        if (listOfUserCommands.ContainsKey(userName) && listOfUserCommands[userName].Contains(commandName))
            IExecutionCommand command = commandList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Aliases.Contains(commandName));

这就是我效仿 Oleg Bondarenko 的例子。解决方案并不完美,但突然有人需要它。

Dictionary<string, List<IExecutionCommand>> listOfUserCommands = new Dictionary<string, List<IExecutionCommand>>();

public interface IExecutionCommand
    Action Action { set; get; }
    List<string> Aliases { set; get; }

public class commandTest : IExecutionCommand
    public Action Action { set; get; }
    public List<string> Aliases { set; get; }
    public commandTest()
        Action = () => { Console.WriteLine("command1 is executed"); };
        Aliases = new List<string>() { "test", "check", "tests" };
public class commandEx2 : IExecutionCommand
    public Action Action { set; get; }
    public List<string> Aliases { set; get; }
    public commandEx2()
        Action = () => { Console.WriteLine("command2 is executed"); };
        Aliases = new List<string>() { "cmd2" };

private IExecutionCommand FindingCommandFromUser(string commandName, List<IExecutionCommand> commandList)
    foreach (IExecutionCommand command in commandList)
        if (command.Aliases.Contains(commandName))
            return command;
    return null;

public static void Main()
                            new List<IExecutionCommand>()
                                    new commandTest(),
                                    new commandEx2()

    string userName = "user1";
    string commandName = "check";

    IExecutionCommand curCommand = null;

    if (listOfUserCommands.ContainsKey(userName) && ((curCommand = FindingCommandFromUser(commandName, listOfUserCommands[userName])) != null))