DryIoc - 注入带有附加参数的 Func 作为工厂方法

DryIoc - inject a Func with additional parameters as a Factory-method

在我的实现中,我需要根据 servicekey 动态解析服务。因此,我想传递一个 Func,但无法正常工作。对此的任何帮助表示赞赏。


public interface IMyInterface { 
  void Foo();
public class ClassA : IMyInterface { 
  void Foo() => BarA();
public class ClassB : IMyInterface { 
  void Foo() => BarB();
public class ClassC : IOtherInterface { 
  private readonly Func<string, IMyInterface> getInstance_;
  void ClassC(Func<string, IMyInterface> getInstance)
    getInstance_ = getInstance;

  void SomeLogic() 
    IMyInterface implementation = getInstance("keyA");
public static void Main()
  var c = new Container();
  c.Register<IMyInterface, ClassA>(serviceKey:"keyA");
  c.Register<IMyInterface, ClassB>(serviceKey:"keyB");
  c.Register<IOtherInterface, ClassC>();



DryIoc.ContainerException: 'Unable to resolve IMyInterface with passed arguments [_String0] IsWrappedInFunc, IsDirectlyWrappedInFunc
  in wrapper Func<String, IMyInterface> FactoryId=10 with passed arguments [_String0] IsResolutionCall
  from Container with Scope {no name}
 with Rules with {TrackingDisposableTransients} and without {ThrowOnRegisteringDisposableTransient}
  with normal and dynamic registrations:
  ("keyA", {FactoryID=32, ImplType=ClassA})  ("keyB", {FactoryID=33, ImplType=ClassB}) '


c.RegisterDelegate<Func<string, IMyInterface>>(r => (key) => c.Resolve<IMyInterface>(key));

但在documentation中,DryIoc 推荐在Delegates 之上使用工厂方法。 我玩过很多 Made.Of-notations(我发现记录很少),但还没有找到一个有效的。


如果您需要动态 select 基于密钥的服务但不依赖服务定位器反模式(不将 IResolver 注入 ClassC)- 您可以按照此处 https://github.com/dadhi/DryIoc/blob/master/docs/DryIoc.Docs/RegisterResolve.md#keyed-registrations 在第二个示例中描述的方式注入所有可用的服务工厂:

public class ClassC : IOtherInterface { 
  private readonly Func<string, IMyInterface> _implementations;
  void ClassC(KeyValuePair<string, Func<IMyInterface>>[] implementations)
    _implementations = implementations;

  void SomeLogic() 
    var implementationFactory = _implementations.First(x => x.Key == "keyA").Value;
    var implementation = implementationFactory();

顺便说一句,在 Autofac 中也采用了相同的方法,也许其他 DI 容器能够组成 wrappers,如 FuncLazy 和集合.

顺便说一句,如果您不喜欢 KeyValuePair,您可以使用 Tuple