
When publisher confirms are enabled, queue length limit is set and overflow is set to reject-publish,why cause in confirm callback I received is null?

我正在学习队列长度限制(https://www.rabbitmq.com/maxlength.html),正如它所说,队列设置为'x-max-length:10''x-overflow:reject-publish',而且,我启用publisher confirms .因此,当队列中的消息数达到 10 时,将通过 basic.nack 消息通知发布者拒绝。

它是:我的确认回调得到了一个错误的确认,但是 causenull。我想知道不应该 return 一些东西以便我可以区分这种情况。部分代码如下:

  public AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate(@Autowired CachingConnectionFactory amqpConnectionFactory) {
    RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(amqpConnectionFactory);
    return rabbitTemplate;

  static RabbitTemplate.ConfirmCallback confirmCallback = new RabbitTemplate.ConfirmCallback() {
    public void confirm(CorrelationData correlationData, boolean ack, String cause) {
      System.out.println(ack);  // when number of messages reach 10, print false
      System.out.println(cause); // when number of messages reach 10, print null

  public Queue queue() {
    return QueueBuilder.durable(DURABLE_QUEUE).withArgument("x-max-length", 10).withArgument("x-overflow", "reject-publish").build();

 @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 1000L)
  public void produce() {
    Message msg = new Message(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "sth");
    amqpTemplate.convertAndSend("sth", "sth", msg );

不幸的是,AMQP 协议和 Java 客户端没有提供有关发布失败原因的信息。仅ack/nack及是否为多条消息确认:

 * Implement this interface in order to be notified of Confirm events.
 * Acks represent messages handled successfully; Nacks represent
 * messages lost by the broker.  Note, the lost messages could still
 * have been delivered to consumers, but the broker cannot guarantee
 * this.
 * For a lambda-oriented syntax, use {@link ConfirmCallback}.
public interface ConfirmListener {
    void handleAck(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple)
        throws IOException;

    void handleNack(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple)
        throws IOException;

我们添加了 cause,因为在某些情况下,框架会合成一个 nack(例如,当我们在等待确认时关闭通道时,我们添加 Channel closed by application 作为 cause.

框架无法推测我们从代理那里得到 nack 的原因。

Spring RabbitMQ 确实提供了有关发布失败原因的信息。将 spring.rabbitmq.publisher-returns 设置为 true