
Can't get which query loads contents

我正在尝试从 mobileaction.co 获取应用程序的更新时间表,但我在这里遇到了问题。

抓取 IOS 个版本很容易:

I just went to this one https://insights.mobileaction.co/appupdatetimeline?trackId=571800810&regionCode=US, and found query using developer tools to https://dashboard.mobileaction.co/app/571800810/US/app-update-timeline, which returns json response of timeline.


Then I tried to find identical link for android, but I can't do it. I went to https://insights.mobileaction.co/appupdatetimeline?trackId=com.calm.android&regionCode=US, but I can't find where it loads all the versions list from.

我想,我应该为 android 应用程序获取 trackId,它会好的

Link 是 https://dashboard.mobileaction.co/app/{package_name}/en/app-update-timeline