Twilio 使用我已有的本地号码

Twilio using a local number I already have

您好,我有一个本地固定电话号码和一个手机号码,twilio 是否可以通过我已有的手机号码或固定电话号码拨打电话?这样客户就可以回拨我们的办公室电话吗?

是也不是。 Twilio 可以使来电显示为您已验证的任何号码,但实际呼叫将由另一个号码进行计费。

Can I use a non-Twilio number as the caller ID for outgoing calls?

Yes, just verify the number with Twilio. Verification takes just a few seconds, and proves to us that you have authority to use the phone number. Sorry, no prank calls from your bro’s phone number! Once the phone number has been verified, it can be used with the ‘callerID’ attribute for your outbound calls.