
My effect dispatched an invalid action or infinite loop

我是 ngrx 的新手,我希望有人能好心帮助我,因为我阅读了很多关于这个问题的主题,但我仍然处于同一点。 我正在测试 @ngrx/effects,我只想在应用程序开始时 return 一组简单的角色用户(只是为了了解它目前的工作原理)。 当我在下面使用此代码时:

 switchMap(() => this.roleService.getAllRoles().pipe(
   map(roles => {
     return new AllRolesLoaded({ roles });
   catchError((error) => of(new ErrorLoadRole(error)))
// I got infinite loop

我遇到了一个无限循环。 通过对 stackflow 的研究,我发现我必须使用 .tap() 而不是 .map()。 但是当我使用 .tap():

 switchMap(() => this.roleService.getAllRoles().pipe(
   tap(roles => {
     return new AllRolesLoaded({ roles });
   catchError((error) => of(new ErrorLoadRole(error)))

// I got this:
// core.js:6014 ERROR Error: Effect "RoleEffects.loadRoles$" dispatched an invalid action:   ...
// core.js:6014 ERROR TypeError: Actions must have a type property

- Effect dispatched an invalid action:
- 带有装饰器的版本 @Effect (ngrx 8.0.1),版本 createEffect() (ngrx 8.3.0).
- swithMap() mergeMap() exhaustMap() 等等...我得到了相同的结果。


//  #actions/role.actions.ts

// ngrx version 8.0.1
export enum RoleActionTypes {
  RequestLoadRoles = '[Role] Request Load data Roles',
  AllRolesLoaded = '[Roles API] All Roles Loaded',
  ErrorLoadRole = '[Roles API] Error load roles',

export class RequestLoadRoles implements Action {
  readonly type = RoleActionTypes.RequestLoadRoles;
export class AllRolesLoaded implements Action {
  readonly type = RoleActionTypes.AllRolesLoaded;
  constructor(public payload: { roles: Role[] }) {}
export class ErrorLoadRole {
  readonly type = RoleActionTypes.ErrorLoadRole;
  constructor(public payload: HttpErrorResponse) {}

// ngrx version 8.3.0 but i cannot handle it yet
// export const RequestLoadRoles = createAction('[Role] Request Load data Roles');
// export const AllRolesLoaded = createAction('[Roles API] All Roles Loaded', props<{ role: Role[] }>());

 export type RoleActions =
   | RequestLoadRoles
   | AllRolesLoaded
   | ErrorLoadRole

//  #effects/role.effect.ts

export class RoleEffects {

// ngrx version 8.0.1
loadRoles$ = this.actions$.pipe(
  withLatestFrom(this.store.pipe(select(roles => roles.rolesLoaded))),
  filter(([action, loaded]) => !loaded),
  switchMap(() => this.roleService.getAllRoles().pipe(
    tap(roles => { // with .tap() i got the invalid dispatched action, i dont know why, and .map() give my an infinite loop
      return new AllRolesLoaded({ roles });
    catchError((error) => of(new ErrorLoadRole(error)))

// ngrx version 8.3.0 but i cannot handle it yet
// loadRoles$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe(
//   ofType('[Roles API] All Roles Loaded'),
//   mergeMap(() => this.roleService.getAllRoles()
//     .pipe(
//       map(roles => ({ type: '[Roles API] All Roles Loaded', payload: roles })),
//       catchError(() => EMPTY)
//     ))
//   )
// );

init$: Observable<RoleActions> = defer(() => {
  return of(new RequestLoadRoles());
constructor(private actions$: Actions, private store: Store<RolesStateEntity>, private roleService: RoleService) {}


# reducer/role.reducer.ts
export const roleFeatureKey = 'role';

export interface RolesStateEntity {
  rolesLoaded: boolean;
  rolesLoading: boolean;
  queryResult: Role[];

export const initialRolesState: RolesStateEntity = {
  rolesLoaded: false,
  rolesLoading: false,
  queryResult: []

export function roleReducer(state = initialRolesState, action: RoleActions): RolesStateEntity {
  switch (action.type) {
    case RoleActionTypes.AllRolesLoaded:
      return {
        queryResult: action.payload.roles,
        rolesLoading: false,
        rolesLoaded: true,
    case RoleActionTypes.ErrorLoadRole:
     return {
        rolesLoading: false,
      return state;

  # service/role.service.ts there is only 1 method
  getAllRoles(): Observable<Role[]> {
    return new Observable(observer => {
      const array = [
          name: 'ADMIN',
          permissions: ['fullAccessUserManagement', 'canDeleteUserManagement', 'canUpdateUserManagement', 'canReadUserManagement'],
          name: 'MODERATOR',
          permissions: ['canDeleteUserManagement', 'canUpdateUserManagement', 'canReadUserManagement'],
          name: 'USER',
          permissions: ['canReadUserManagement'],
          name: 'GUEST',
          permissions: [],


core.js:6014 ERROR Error: Effect "RoleEffects.loadRoles$" dispatched an invalid action: [{"name":"ADMIN","permissions":["fullAccessUserManagement","canDeleteUserManagement","canUpdateUserManagement","canReadUserManagement"]},{"name":"MODERATOR","permissions":["canDeleteUserManagement","canUpdateUserManagement","canReadUserManagement"]},{"name":"USER","permissions":["canReadUserManagement"]},{"name":"GUEST","permissions":[]}]
at reportInvalidActions (effects.js:338)
at MapSubscriber.project (effects.js:428)
at MapSubscriber._next (map.js:29)
at MapSubscriber.next (Subscriber.js:49)
at ExhaustMapSubscriber.notifyNext (exhaustMap.js:60)
at InnerSubscriber._next (InnerSubscriber.js:11)
at InnerSubscriber.next (Subscriber.js:49)
at MergeMapSubscriber.notifyNext (mergeMap.js:69)
at InnerSubscriber._next (InnerSubscriber.js:11)
at InnerSubscriber.next (Subscriber.js:49)
Show 139 more frames
core.js:6014 ERROR TypeError: Actions must have a type property
at ActionsSubject.next (store.js:168)
at Store.next (store.js:709)
at SafeSubscriber.__tryOrUnsub (Subscriber.js:183)
at SafeSubscriber.next (Subscriber.js:122)
at Subscriber._next (Subscriber.js:72)
at Subscriber.next (Subscriber.js:49)
at MergeMapSubscriber.notifyNext (mergeMap.js:69)
at InnerSubscriber._next (InnerSubscriber.js:11)
at InnerSubscriber.next (Subscriber.js:49)
at Notification.observe (Notification.js:20)

我在这里再说一遍,我得到了数据,但我也遇到了这个错误(当我使用.tap()时)。 另一个错误是无限循环(.map())。


My photo of infinite loop here

您应该使用 map 而不是 taptap 不是 return 值,因此这意味着您会将服务的结果分派回导致无效操作错误的商店。使用 map,您可以将服务响应转换为有效的 NgRx 操作。


 switchMap(() => this.roleService.getAllRoles().pipe(
   map(roles => {
     return new AllRolesLoaded({ roles });
   catchError((error) => of(new ErrorLoadRole(error)))


init$: Observable<RoleActions> = defer(() => {
  return of(new RequestLoadRoles());


this.store.dispatch(new RequestLoadRoles());

PS .map() 用于转换管道的数据(这就是您需要的:将角色列表转换为 AllRolesLoaded 操作),而 .tap() 充当副作用,所以管道实际上没有受到影响


来自 app.module.ts 我有这个:

imports: [
   StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, { // this is made by cmd : ng g store AppState --root --module app.module.ts
     runtimeChecks: {
       strictStateImmutability: true,
       strictActionImmutability: true,

我的 front.module.ts 上有这个:
注意:我决定制作 2 个模块(1 个正面,1 个背面)

imports: [
   StoreModule.forFeature(roleFeatureKey, rolesReducer),
   EffectsModule.forFeature([PermissionEffects, RolesEffects]),

我在这里找到了很多使用 nrgx 初始化数据的例子:
- https://dev.to/jonrimmer/where-to-initiate-data-load-in-ngrx-358l


import { rolesReducer } from './reducer/role';
imports: [
   StoreModule.forRoot({ roles: rolesReducer }),
     maxAge: 25,


imports: [
   i deleted,
   i deleted,


For feature modules, register your effects by adding the EffectsModule.forFeature() method in the imports array of your NgModule.
