为什么没有在 Laravel Lumen 中设置 cookie

Why cookie isn't set in Laravel Lumen

此问题是 的后续问题。

我认为有一条消息说:This site uses cookie [...] Close

当用户点击 Close 时,一个 ajax 请求被发送到控制器。函数如下:

public function acceptCookie(Request $request)
    if ($request->valid == 'accept') {
        $response = new Response('acceptCookie');
        if ($response->withCookie(cookie('acceptCookie', 'accepte', 44000))) {
            return Response()->json(array('statut' => 'Succes'));    
        } else {
            return Response()->json(array('statut' => 'Erreur'));
    } else {
        return Response()->json(array('statut' => 'Erreur'));

我没有任何错误而且 JSON returns 总是 {"statut":"Succes"}

为什么没有设置 cookie?

根据 Lumen 文档,您似乎需要将 cookie 排队等待响应,例如示例中的响应。文档是这样说的:

Queueing A Cookie For The Next Response

If you would like to set a cookie before a response has been created, use the Cookie::queue() method. The cookie will automatically be attached to the final response from your application.

Cookie::queue($name, $value, $minutes);

我的建议是尝试将 withCookie 替换为排队 cookie。但是,您可能需要稍微重写该函数以便适应,因为它看起来好像您正在尝试从一个请求发送响应。


基于 Illuminate\Http\ResponseTrait28Illuminate\Http\Response::withCookie 方法返回 $this

 * Add a cookie to the response.
 * @param  \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie  $cookie
 * @return $this
public function withCookie(Cookie $cookie)

    return $this;


// This always return Illuminate\Http\Response instance,
// thus it will never reach ELSE statement forever.
if ($response->withCookie(cookie('acceptCookie', 'accepte', 44000))) {
     return Response()->json(array('statut' => 'Succes'));    
} else {
    return Response()->json(array('statut' => 'Erreur'));