Linux 上的 PVS Studio - 命令行 return 代码

PVS Studio on Linux - command line return codes

Official documentation 对于 Windows 命令行非常清楚 - return 代码是一个位掩码,每一位都意味着什么,特别是代码 '256' 意味着 'some issues were found in the source code'.

对于 Linux 命令行操作,我可以通过 pvs-studio-analyzer --help

pvs-studio-analyzer state codes that form a bit mask exit code are:
  0 - Analysis was successfully completed, no issues
      were found in the source code;
  1 - Preprocessing failed on some file(s);
  2 - Indicates that analyzer license will expire in
      less than a month;
  3 - Analysis was interrupted;
  4 - Error (crash) during analysis of some source file(s);
  5 - Indicates that analyzer license has expired;
  6 - License expiration warning suppression flag was used
      with non-expiring license;

其次,没有特定的 return 代码表示 "some issues were found in the source code" 我特别感兴趣 - 因此没有明显的方法来检查是否发现任何问题(并以某种方式做出反应)。


所以,我的问题是 - 这条帮助消息是否正确?如果是,我如何检查是否发现任何问题?

用于 Linux 和 macOS 的 pvs-studio-analyzer 实用程序确实 return 一点掩码都没有。我们修复了描述。

要在报告中出现警告时检测案例,请使用 plog-converter 实用程序:

plog-converter ... --indicate-warnings ...

-w, --indicate-warnings. Set this option to detect the presense of analyzer warnings after filtering analysis log by setting the converter exit code to '2'.