优化将 table 与自身与数百万行进行比较的查询

Optimizing a query that compares a table to itself with millions of rows

我可以使用一些帮助来优化查询,该查询将单个 table 中的行与数百万个条目进行比较。这是 table 的定义:

    id         uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
    version    int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
    row_hash   int8 NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
    table_name text NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,

CONSTRAINT row_check_pkey
    PRIMARY KEY (id, version)

我正在修改我们的推送代码,并在大约 20 table 秒内拥有一个包含数百万条记录的测试平台。我 运行 我的测试,获取行数,并且可以发现我的某些插入代码何时发生更改。下一步是对每一行进行校验和,然后比较各行代码版本之间的差异。像这样:

-- Run my test of "version 0" of the push code, the base code I'm refactoring.  
-- Insert the ID and checksum for each pushed row.
INSERT INTO row_check (id,version,row_hash,table_name)
            SELECT id, 0, hashtext(record_changes_log::text),'record_changes_log' 
            FROM record_changes_log

            ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT row_check_pkey DO UPDATE SET
                row_hash   = EXCLUDED.row_hash,
                table_name = EXCLUDED.table_name;

truncate table record_changes_log;

-- Run my test of "version 1" of the push code, the new code I'm validating.
-- Insert the ID and checksum for each pushed row.

INSERT INTO row_check (id,version,row_hash,table_name)
            SELECT id, 1, hashtext(record_changes_log::text),'record_changes_log' 
            FROM record_changes_log

            ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT row_check_pkey DO UPDATE SET
                row_hash   = EXCLUDED.row_hash,
                table_name = EXCLUDED.table_name;

对于 record_changes_log 或我正在检查的任何其他 table 中的每一行,row_check 中有两行。对于 record_changes_log 的两个 运行,我最终在 row_check 中得到超过 860 万行。它们看起来像这样:

id                                      version row_hash    table_name
e6218751-ab78-4942-9734-f017839703f6    0   -142492569  record_changes_log
6c0a4111-2f52-4b8b-bfb6-e608087ea9c1    0   -1917959999 record_changes_log
7fac6424-9469-4d98-b887-cd04fee5377d    0   -323725113  record_changes_log
1935590c-8d22-4baf-85ba-00b563022983    0   -1428730186 record_changes_log
2e5488b6-5b97-4755-8a46-6a46317c1ae2    0   -1631086027 record_changes_log
7a645ffd-31c5-4000-ab66-a565e6dad7e0    0   1857654119  record_changes_log


 select v0.table_name,
        v0.row_hash as v0,
        v1.row_hash as v1   

   from row_check v0 
   join row_check v1 on v0.id = v1.id  and
        v0.version = 0 and
        v1.version  = 1 and
        v0.row_hash <> v1.row_hash

可行,但现在我希望对其进行一些优化。作为实验,我将数据聚类到版本上,然后构建一个 BRIN 索引,如下所示:

drop index if exists row_check_version_btree;
create index row_check_version_btree
          on row_check
        using btree(version);

cluster row_check using row_check_version_btree;    
drop index row_check_version_btree; -- Eh? I want to see how the BRIN performs.

drop index if exists row_check_version_brin;
create index row_check_version_brin
          on row_check
        using brin(row_hash);

vacuum analyze row_check;       


Merge Join  (cost=1.12..559750.04 rows=4437567 width=51) (actual time=1511.987..14884.045 rows=10 loops=1)
  Output: v0.table_name, v0.id, v0.row_hash, v1.row_hash
  Inner Unique: true
  Merge Cond: (v0.id = v1.id)
  Join Filter: (v0.row_hash <> v1.row_hash)
  Rows Removed by Join Filter: 4318290
  Buffers: shared hit=8679005 read=42511
  ->  Index Scan using row_check_pkey on ascendco.row_check v0  (cost=0.56..239156.79 rows=4252416 width=43) (actual time=0.032..5548.180 rows=4318300 loops=1)
        Output: v0.id, v0.version, v0.row_hash, v0.table_name
        Index Cond: (v0.version = 0)
        Buffers: shared hit=4360752
  ->  Index Scan using row_check_pkey on ascendco.row_check v1  (cost=0.56..240475.33 rows=4384270 width=24) (actual time=0.031..6070.790 rows=4318300 loops=1)
        Output: v1.id, v1.version, v1.row_hash, v1.table_name
        Index Cond: (v1.version = 1)
        Buffers: shared hit=4318253 read=42511
Planning Time: 1.073 ms
Execution Time: 14884.121 ms

...我并没有真正从中得到正确的想法...所以我再次 运行 它到 JSON 并将结果输入这个美妙的计划可视化工具:


那里的提示是对的,顶层节点估计不好。结果是 10 行,估计是大约 443,757 行。


-- 修改查询以移动 where 比较?
-- 使用更好的索引?我确实在版本上尝试了 GIN 索引和直接 B 树,但都不是更好的。
-- 修改 row_check 格式,将两个哈希移动到同一行而不是将它们分成两行,在 insert/update 上进行比较,标记不匹配项,并为不匹配项添加部分索引值。

G运行ted,甚至尝试索引只有两个值(在上述情况下为 0 和 1)的东西很有趣,就是这样。事实上,布尔值有什么巧妙的技巧吗?我会一直比较两个版本,所以 "old" 和 "new",我可以表达,但让生活变得更美好。我知道 Postgres 在 search/merge (?) 时间内部只有位图索引,并且它没有位图类型索引。是否有某种 INTERSECT 可能有所帮助?我不知道 Postgres 是如何在内部实现集合数学运算符的。


我要为我自己的问题添加一个答案,但我仍然对其他人所说的感兴趣。在写出我原来的问题的过程中,我意识到也许需要重新设计。这取决于我一次只比较两个版本的计划。这是一个很好的解决方案,但在其他情况下它不起作用。无论如何,这里有一个稍微不同的 table 设计,它将两个结果折叠成一行:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS data.row_compare;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data.row_compare (
    id           uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
    hash_1       int8,    -- Want NULL to defer calculating hash comparison until after both hashes are entered.
    hash_2       int8,    -- Ditto
    hashes_match boolean, -- Likewise 
    table_name   text NOT NULL DEFAULT NULL,

CONSTRAINT row_compare_pkey
    PRIMARY KEY (id)


CREATE INDEX row_compare_fail ON row_compare (hashes_match)
    WHERE hashes_match = false;

一旦 hash_1 和 hash_2 都提供了,下面的触发器将进行列计算:

-- Run this as a BEFORE INSERT or UPDATE ROW trigger.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION data.on_upsert_row_compare()
  RETURNS trigger AS 


    IF  NEW.hash_1 = NULL OR 
        NEW.hash_2 = NULL THEN
        RETURN NEW; -- Don't do the comparison, hash_1 hasn't been populated yet.

    ELSE-- Do the comparison. The point of this is to avoid constantly thrashing the expression index.
       NEW.hashes_match := NEW.hash_1 = NEW.hash_2;
      RETURN NEW;     -- important!
   END IF;

LANGUAGE plpgsql;

这现在添加了 430 万行,而不是 860 万行:

-- Add the first set of results and build out the row_compare records.
INSERT INTO row_compare (id,hash_1,table_name)
            SELECT id, hashtext(record_changes_log::text),'record_changes_log'
            FROM record_changes_log

            ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT row_compare_pkey DO UPDATE SET
                hash_1   = EXCLUDED.hash_1,
                table_name = EXCLUDED.table_name;

-- I'll truncate the record_changes_log and push my sample data again here.

-- Add the second set of results and update the row compare records.
-- This time, the hash is going into the hash_2 field for comparison
INSERT INTO row_compare (id,hash_2,table_name)
            SELECT id, hashtext(record_changes_log::text),'record_changes_log'
            FROM record_changes_log

            ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT row_compare_pkey DO UPDATE SET
                hash_2   = EXCLUDED.hash_2,
                table_name = EXCLUDED.table_name;


select * from row_compare where hashes_match = false;

这会将查询时间从大约 17 秒更改为大约 24 毫秒。