将遗留项目迁移到 Symfony 路由问题

Migrating legacy project to Symfony routing issues

我正在尝试开始将我的遗留项目一点一点地迁移到 Symfony(Strangler 应用程序)。我关注了 this documentation,但我只能加载我的遗留应用程序的主页 URL /。其他 URL 甚至在我到达 LegacyBridge class.

之前就会给我一个 404


可能人们不明白我的问题。我在开始我的 Symfony 项目时没有遇到任何问题。我正在尝试构建一个 Strangler 应用程序,慢慢地将我的遗留代码迁移到 Symfony。所以我的遗留代码和 Symfony 应用程序 运行 并排。但是一切都是通过 Symfony 的前端控制器加载的。

所以我从 Symfony public/index.php 修改了 index.php。

我在 Symfony 的前端控制器中添加了一个 LegacyBridge class:

// public/index.php
use App\Kernel;
use App\LegacyBridge;
use Symfony\Component\Debug\Debug;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

require dirname(__DIR__).'/config/bootstrap.php';

 * The kernel will always be available globally, allowing you to
 * access it from your existing application and through it the
 * service container. This allows for introducing new features in
 * the existing application.
global $kernel;

if ($_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']) {


if ($trustedProxies = $_SERVER['TRUSTED_PROXIES'] ?? $_ENV['TRUSTED_PROXIES'] ?? false) {
    Request::setTrustedProxies(explode(',', $trustedProxies), Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_ALL ^ Request::HEADER_X_FORWARDED_HOST);

if ($trustedHosts = $_SERVER['TRUSTED_HOSTS'] ?? $_ENV['TRUSTED_HOSTS'] ?? false) {

$kernel = new Kernel($_SERVER['APP_ENV'], (bool) $_SERVER['APP_DEBUG']);
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
$response = $kernel->handle($request);

 * LegacyBridge will take care of figuring out whether to boot up the
 * existing application or to send the Symfony response back to the client.
$scriptFile = LegacyBridge::prepareLegacyScript($request, $response, __DIR__);
if ($scriptFile !== null) {
    require $scriptFile;
} else {
$kernel->terminate($request, $response);

我已经在线收到 404 $response = $kernel->handle($request);


namespace App;

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class LegacyBridge
    public static function prepareLegacyScript(Request $request, Response $response, string $publicDirectory)

        // If Symfony successfully handled the route, you do not have to do anything.
        if (false === $response->isNotFound()) {

        // Figure out how to map to the needed script file
        // from the existing application and possibly (re-)set
        // some env vars.

        $dir = $request->server->get('SERVER_NAME');
        $dir = str_replace('.test', '.nl', $dir);

        $legacyScriptFilename = realpath($publicDirectory . '/../../' . $dir . '/index.php');

        return $legacyScriptFilename;

404 响应 应该 在您提到的行上生成(如预期的那样)但直到 else 才发送下面的块:

$scriptFile = LegacyBridge::prepareLegacyScript($request, $response, __DIR__);
if ($scriptFile !== null) {
    require $scriptFile;
} else {

这意味着 $scriptFile 为空。因此,在您的 LegacyBridge 中添加以下内容以调试路径:

$legacyScriptFilename = realpath($publicDirectory . '/../../' . $dir . '/index.php');

// next two lines for debug

return $legacyScriptFilename;

这将转储 $legacyScriptFilename 并终止进一步执行,因此您可以验证路径是否正确。

如果您遇到未捕获的 Exception 尝试捕获并抑制它,如下所示:

try {
  $response = $kernel->handle($request);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
  $response = new Response(); 
