希伯来斯坦福 NLP 标签集

Hebrew Stanford NLP tag set

我正在尝试查找斯坦福 NLP 使用的希伯来语树库中使用的 确切 标签集列表。找到这个标签集似乎比找到词性标注器更难:)


对于 stanfordnlp python 包,对于所有语言,使用的 POS 标签集是 Universal Dependencies (UD) v2 tag set. Some UD corpora also include an original POS tag set, which is often more fine-grained. But while the Hebrew Treebank was originally built with its own POS tag set, and was then coverted to UD, it seems like the supplied version in the UD repository comes only with the UD tag set. Individual languages may use only a subset of the UD POS tag set. You can find details of that on the Treebank hub page for the Hebrew TreeBank。您会在那里看到使用了 17 个 UD POS 标签中的 15 个。