我可以使用变量作为标识符来设置私有 class 字段吗?如何?

Can I set a private class field using a variable as identifier? How?

Node.js 12 支持 private class fields denoted by # 开箱即用,没有标志或转译器。

例如,这适用于 Node.js 12:

class Foo {
  #bar = 1;

  constructor({ bar }) {
    this.#bar = bar;

  get bar() {
    return this.#bar;

const foo = new Foo({ bar: 2 });

console.log(foo.bar); // 2

假设我不想用 1 属性 而是用 20 构造我的 Foo 实例——我将不得不在构造函数和 getter 函数中复制赋值语句 20 次,这大量样板代码。

如果我不使用私有字段而是使用常规 class 字段,这将不难避免:

class Foo {
  bar = 1;

  constructor(properties) {
    Object.entries(properties).forEach(([name, value]) => (this[name] = value));

  get bar() {
    return this.bar;

const foo = new Foo({ bar: 2 });

console.log(foo.bar); // 2

但是,对于私有 class 字段,它不起作用:

class Foo {
  #bar = 1;

  constructor(properties) {
      ([name, value]) => (this[`#${name}`] = value)

  get bar() {
    return this.#bar;

const foo = new Foo({ bar: 2 });

console.log(foo.bar); // 1 :-(

我也尝试过使用 Reflect.set 为构造函数中的私有 class 字段赋值,但无济于事:

class Foo {
  #bar = 1;

  constructor(properties) {
    Object.entries(properties).forEach(([name, value]) =>
      Reflect.set(this, `#${name}`, value)

  get bar() {
    return this.#bar;

const foo = new Foo({ bar: 2 });

console.log(foo.bar); // 1 :-(

我可以使用变量作为标识符来设置私有 class 字段吗?如果是,如何?

不,这看起来不可能。来自 proposal FAQ:

Why doesn't this['#x'] access the private field named #x, given that this.#x does?

  1. This would complicate property access semantics.

  2. Dynamic access to private fields is contrary to the notion of 'private'. E.g. this is concerning:

class Dict extends null {
  #data = something_secret;
  add(key, value) {
    this[key] = value;
  get(key) {
    return this[key];
(new Dict).get('#data'); // returns something_secret

语法是这样的,每个私有字段都必须初始化 and/or 在文字 属性 名称之前用 # 引用,除此之外别无其他。连括号符号都不允许。

Having a private field named x must not prevent there from being a public field named x, so accessing a private field can't just be a normal lookup.

您甚至不能引用私有字段,除非它在 ​​class 正文中明确定义( 不是 一个 class 函数,但在 class正文直接):

class Foo {
  // error is thrown because #abc must be defined in this section
  doSomething() {
    return this.#abc;

就是说,没有什么能阻止您创建私有 属性,它是一个 对象 ,对象具有所有这些属性:

class Foo {
  #privates = {};

  constructor(properties) {
      ([name, value]) => (this.#privates[name] = value)

  get privates() {
    return this.#privates;

const foo = new Foo({ bar: 2 });
