OpenSSL RSA_sign() returns 零错误代码

OpenSSL RSA_sign() returns zero error code

我正在玩 OpenSSL 1.0.2o 版本。我只从 OpenSSL 编译静态 libcrypto。我使用了这个配置标志:

no-demos, no-bugs, no-apps, no-ssl, no-test, no-shared, no-zlib, no-zlib-dynamic, no-ssl-trace, no-unit-test, no-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128, no-libunbound, no-ssl1, no-ssl2, no-ssl3, no-asm, no-dtls, no-dtls1, no-threads, no-npn, no-weak-ssl-ciphers, no-rfc3779, no-sctp, no-ui, no-async, no-dgram, no-posix-io, no-sock, no-des, no-dso, no-srp, no-store, no-ts, no-txt_db, no-hw, no-ec, no-gmp, -DOPENSSL_NO_STDIO, -DOPENSSL_NO_FP_API, -DOPENSSL_NO_DYNAMIC_ENGINE,-UOPENSSL_FIPS.

我将 OpenSSL 用于小型嵌入式设备。 (无文件操作,无操作系统,无libc)

我从 PEM 字符串的内存中导入 RSA public 和私钥,然后我想将它用于 sign/verify,但是 RSA_sign() 函数 returns零。可能是我做错了吗?


#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/bio.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/bn.h>

typedef RSA *(*read_bio2rsa_f)(BIO *, RSA **, pem_password_cb *, void *);

static BIO *pub_bio;
static RSA *pub_key;

static BIO *prv_bio;
static RSA *prv_key;

static RSA *openssl_read_key_rsa(int rsa_type, BIO **bio)
    RSA *rsa;
    char *pem_str;
    int pem_str_len;
    read_bio2rsa_f read_bio2rsa;

    if (rsa_type == PUB_KEY_TYPE) {
        pem_str = (char *)pem_pub_key;
        pem_str_len = (int)sizeof(pem_pub_key);
        read_bio2rsa = PEM_read_bio_RSA_PUBKEY;
    } else {
        pem_str = (char *)pem_prv_key;
        pem_str_len = (int)sizeof(pem_prv_key);
        read_bio2rsa = PEM_read_bio_RSAPrivateKey;

    if ((*bio = BIO_new_mem_buf((const void *)pem_str,
            pem_str_len)) == NULL) {
        EMSG("BIO_new_mem_buf() FAILED read PEM key");

        return NULL;

    if ((rsa = RSA_new()) == NULL) {
        EMSG("RSA_new() FAILED");

        return NULL;

    read_bio2rsa(*bio, &rsa, NULL, NULL);

    return rsa;

static int check_rsa_key_pair(RSA *pub, RSA *priv)
    if (BN_cmp(pub->n, priv->n) != 0)
        return CRYPTO_ERR;

    return CRYPTO_OK;

/* extrnal function for import RSA-keys */
int openssl_rsa_init_key(void)

    if ((prv_key = openssl_read_key_rsa(PRV_KEY_TYPE, &prv_bio)) == NULL) {
        EMSG("Importing the private key FAILED!");

        return CRYPTO_ERR;

    if ((pub_key = openssl_read_key_rsa(PUB_KEY_TYPE, &pub_bio)) == NULL) {
        EMSG("Importing the public key FAILED!");

        return CRYPTO_ERR;

    if (!check_rsa_key_pair(pub_key, prv_key)) {
        EMSG("Key pair don't match");

        return CRYPTO_ERR;

    EMSG("Import KEYs is successful!");

    return CRYPTO_OK;

以上代码全部执行成功。在此之后,理论上,我可以自由地将 rsa 密钥用于任何需要 RSA 类型的 OpenSSL 函数。


int openssl_rsa_sign_hash(uint8_t *hash, unsigned int hash_len,
        uint8_t *sig, int *sig_len)
    if (!RSA_sign(NID_sha256, (const unsigned char *)hash, hash_len,
            (unsigned char *)sig, (unsigned int *)sig_len,
            prv_key)) {
        EMSG("RSA signature FAILED with %s",
            ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL));

        return CRYPTO_ERR;

    EMSG("RSA signature success!");

    return CRYPTO_OK;

但是,我在错误输出中得到了 "RSA signature FAILED with error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)" 这个字符串。


But, I got "RSA signature FAILED with error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)" this string into my error output.

Could anyone explain me the mistakes, please?

我没有看到 main 函数,所以这只是推测...

main 中添加对 SSL_library_initERR_load_crypto_strings 的调用。您可能还需要致电 OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers.

由于您没有得到正确的错误字符串,您可以尝试打印 ERR_get_error() 的结果。一旦你得到 ERR_get_error() 的结果,你可以通过 openssl errstr 命令 运行 它:

$ openssl errstr 0406506C
error:0406506C:rsa routines:RSA_EAY_PRIVATE_DECRYPT:data greater than mod len

另请参阅 OpenSSL wiki 上的 Library Initialization