制作 LaTex 列表换行

Making LaTex Lists Wrap

所以我有以下 LaTex 列表,在我正在翻译的论文中有很多人喜欢它:

\item If $\mathfrak{E}$ and $\mathfrak{B}$ with the arguments $x, y, z$ a solution of the Maxwell's equations (1), then through the components $\mathfrak{E}_x, \mathfrak{E}_y, \mathfrak{-E}_z, \mathfrak{-B}_x, \mathfrak{-B}_y, \mathfrak{B}_z$, with the arguments $x, y, z$ is given also an electromagnetic field that is a solution to Maxwell's equations.
\item If $\mathfrak{E, B}$ is the electromagnetic field of a planar electromagnetic wave radiation, then $\mathfrak{E}_x, \mathfrak{E}_y, \mathfrak{B}_z$ are symmetrical to the plane of the figure with $\mathfrak{E}_z, \mathfrak{B}_x, \mathfrak{B}_y$, with opposite values.
\item If $\mathfrak{E, B}$ a solution to Maxwell's equations (1), the following field is as well:
$$\mathfrak{E'} = \pm \sqrt{\frac{\mu}{\epsilon}} \mathfrak{B}, \mathfrak{B'} = \mp \sqrt{\frac{\epsilon}{\mu}} \mathfrak{E}$$


有很多死的 space 应该用文本来处理。如何让文字环绕数字?

PS。另外,我正在尝试在等式之间添加 space 。简单地放置更多 spaces 并没有做到这一点。有什么指点吗?

奇怪你想在枚举中保存 space 却在等式之间添加 space。我喜欢当前的显示。但是,您可以使用自定义 mylist,它看起来像没有对齐的 enumerate

\usepackage{showframe}% Just for this example
  {\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}% No paragraph indent
   \setcounter{enumi}{0}% Restart enumeration at level 1 (i)

  If~$\mathfrak{E}$ and~$\mathfrak{B}$ with the arguments~$x$, $y$,~$z$ a solution of the Maxwell's equations~(1), 
  then through the components~$\mathfrak{E}_x$, $\mathfrak{E}_y$, $\mathfrak{-E}_z$, $\mathfrak{-B}_x$, 
  $\mathfrak{-B}_y$,~$\mathfrak{B}_z$, with the arguments~$x$, $y$,~$z$ is given also an electromagnetic field 
  that is a solution to Maxwell's equations.

  If~$\mathfrak{E}$, $\mathfrak{B}$ is the electromagnetic field of a planar electromagnetic wave radiation, 
  then~$\mathfrak{E}_x$, $\mathfrak{E}_y$,~$\mathfrak{B}_z$ are symmetrical to the plane of the figure 
  with~$\mathfrak{E}_z$, $\mathfrak{B}_x$,~$\mathfrak{B}_y$, with opposite values.

  If~$\mathfrak{E}$, $\mathfrak{B}$ a solution to Maxwell's equations~(1), the following field is as well:
    \mathfrak{E'} = \pm \sqrt{\frac{\mu}{\epsilon}} \mathfrak{B}, \mathfrak{B'} = 
      \mp \sqrt{\frac{\epsilon}{\mu}} \mathfrak{E}

  If~$\mathfrak{E}$ and~$\mathfrak{B}$ with the arguments~$x$, $y$,~$z$ a solution of the Maxwell's equations~(1), 
  then through the components~$\mathfrak{E}_x$, $\mathfrak{E}_y$, $\mathfrak{-E}_z$, $\mathfrak{-B}_x$, 
  $\mathfrak{-B}_y$,~$\mathfrak{B}_z$, with the arguments~$x$, $y$,~$z$ is given also an electromagnetic field 
  that is a solution to Maxwell's equations.

  If~$\mathfrak{E}$, $\mathfrak{B}$ is the electromagnetic field of a planar electromagnetic wave radiation, 
  then~$\mathfrak{E}_x$, $\mathfrak{E}_y$,~$\mathfrak{B}_z$ are symmetrical to the plane of the figure 
  with~$\mathfrak{E}_z$, $\mathfrak{B}_x$,~$\mathfrak{B}_y$, with opposite values.

  If~$\mathfrak{E}$, $\mathfrak{B}$ a solution to Maxwell's equations~(1), the following field is as well:
    \mathfrak{E'} = \pm \sqrt{\frac{\mu}{\epsilon}} \mathfrak{B}, \mathfrak{B'} = 
      \mp \sqrt{\frac{\epsilon}{\mu}} \mathfrak{E}


要更改显示方程周围的间距,请参阅How can I decrease spaces between equations? Also see Why is \[\] preferable to $$$$?