
What did the author mean with his comment about the input of a user-defined type?

这是从 B. Stroustrup "The C++ Programming Language" 第二版的书 10.3.3 用户定义类型的输入 节中提取的示例。代码很旧,但仍然可以通过微小的更改进行编译。示例:

#include <istream>
#include <complex>

using namespace std;

istream& operator>>(istream& s, complex<double>& a)
    // input formats for a complex; "f" indicates a float:
    //   f
    //   (f)
    //   (f, f)

    double re = 0, im = 0;
    char c = 0;

    s >> c;
    if( c == '(' ) {
        s >> re >> c;
        if( c == ',' ) s >> im >> c;
        if( c != ')' ) s.clear(ios::badbit);  // set state
    else {
        s >> re;

    if( s ) a = complex<double>(re, im);
    return s;

Despite the scarcity of error-handling code, this will actually handle most kinds of errors. The local variable c is initilized to avoid having its value accidentally '(' after a failed operation. The final check of the stream state ensures that the value of the argument a is changed if everything went well.



char c;
s >> c;
if (c == '(') { ... }

我们不会检查 >> 是成功还是失败。因此,如果 c == '(',可能是以下两个原因之一:

  1. >> 成功,我们从 istream.
  2. 中检索到字符 '('
  3. >>失败了,但是创建c时恰好在内存中的随机字节是'('

如果你将c初始化为0,情况2是不可能的:如果操作失败,我们知道c会是0...所以我们肯定会知道,如果我们得到 '(',那是因为它来自 istream

如果 s >> c 失败,则不会写入 c

如果 c 未初始化,则它在测试点 if( c == '(' ) 时保持未初始化状态。读取未初始化的 char 会导致未定义的行为。


char c = 0; 的建议修复依赖于这样一个事实:如果 s 不是 good()s.putback(c); 什么都不做。这没关系,尽管恕我直言,这样写会更清楚:

char c;
s >> c;

if ( !s )
    return s;
