如何使用 Reality 套件在屏幕前设置实体?
How to set entity in front of screen with Reality kit?
新的现实套件相机变换似乎具有误导性。当我将一个实体的变换设置为相机的变换时,它不会跟随屏幕前方,而是始终靠近世界原点。 scnview中曾经有pointOfView。我应该怎么做才能产生相同的效果
如果您希望实体跟随相机并始终位于相机前面,实现此目的的最简单方法是使用 AnchorEntity:
let box = ModelEntity(
mesh: MeshResource.generateBox(size: 0.05),
materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .red, isMetallic: true)]
let cameraAnchor = AnchorEntity(.camera)
// Move the box in front of the camera slightly, otherwise
// it will be centered on the camera position and we will
// be inside the box and not be able to see it
box.transform.translation = [0, 0, -0.5]
但是,如果您想使用 cameraTransform 属性,这对我来说似乎工作得很好:
var c: Cancellable?
var boxAnchor: AnchorEntity?
struct ARViewContainer: UIViewRepresentable {
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> ARView {
let arView = ARView(frame: .zero)
let box = ModelEntity(
mesh: MeshResource.generateBox(size: 0.05),
materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .red, isMetallic: true)]
boxAnchor = AnchorEntity(world: [0,0,0])
c = arView.scene.subscribe(to: SceneEvents.Update.self) { (event) in
guard let boxAnchor = boxAnchor else {
// Translation matrix that moves the box 1m in front of the camera
let translate = float4x4(
// Transformed applied right to left
let finalMatrix = arView.cameraTransform.matrix * translate
boxAnchor.setTransformMatrix(finalMatrix, relativeTo: nil)
return arView
func updateUIView(_ uiView: ARView, context: Context) {}
新的现实套件相机变换似乎具有误导性。当我将一个实体的变换设置为相机的变换时,它不会跟随屏幕前方,而是始终靠近世界原点。 scnview中曾经有pointOfView。我应该怎么做才能产生相同的效果
如果您希望实体跟随相机并始终位于相机前面,实现此目的的最简单方法是使用 AnchorEntity:
let box = ModelEntity(
mesh: MeshResource.generateBox(size: 0.05),
materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .red, isMetallic: true)]
let cameraAnchor = AnchorEntity(.camera)
// Move the box in front of the camera slightly, otherwise
// it will be centered on the camera position and we will
// be inside the box and not be able to see it
box.transform.translation = [0, 0, -0.5]
但是,如果您想使用 cameraTransform 属性,这对我来说似乎工作得很好:
var c: Cancellable?
var boxAnchor: AnchorEntity?
struct ARViewContainer: UIViewRepresentable {
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> ARView {
let arView = ARView(frame: .zero)
let box = ModelEntity(
mesh: MeshResource.generateBox(size: 0.05),
materials: [SimpleMaterial(color: .red, isMetallic: true)]
boxAnchor = AnchorEntity(world: [0,0,0])
c = arView.scene.subscribe(to: SceneEvents.Update.self) { (event) in
guard let boxAnchor = boxAnchor else {
// Translation matrix that moves the box 1m in front of the camera
let translate = float4x4(
// Transformed applied right to left
let finalMatrix = arView.cameraTransform.matrix * translate
boxAnchor.setTransformMatrix(finalMatrix, relativeTo: nil)
return arView
func updateUIView(_ uiView: ARView, context: Context) {}