
'lme' error R "attempt to apply non-function

我正在使用以下代码对我的数据集进行 lme 分析

M1 <- lme(VT ~ visit + sx + agevis + c_bmi + gpa + qa + BP + MH + ethn, data = Cleaned_data4t300919, random = ~ 1 + visit |id, corAR1(),method = "ML", na.action = na.omit(Cleaned_data4t300919))


Error in model.frame.default(formula = ~visit + sx + agevis + c_bmi + : attempt to apply non-function

我不确定我做错了什么或如何让模型达到 运行。我真的很感激你的回答。谢谢你。

我正在尝试 运行 一个线性混合效应模型,其中 VT 作为我的因变量,访问作为我的时间变量,具有一阶自回归相关性,数据的 ML 估计器缺少一些观察值。


fm2 <- lme(VT ~ visit + sx + agevis + c_bmi + gpa + qa + BP + MH + ethn, data = Cleaned_data4t300919, random = ~ 1|id, corAR1(),method = "ML", na.action = na.pass(Cleaned_data4t300919))

fm2 <- lme(VT ~ visit + sx + agevis + c_bmi + gpa + qa + BP + sfnMH + ethn, data = Cleaned_data4t300919, random = ~ 1 + visit |cenid, corAR1(),method = "ML", na.action = na.omit(Cleaned_data4t300919))

fm2 <- lme(VT ~ visit + sx + agevis , data = Cleaned_data4t300919, random = ~ 1 + visit |id, corAR1(),method = "ML", na.action = na.omit(Cleaned_data4t300919))

fm2 <- lme(VT~visit + sx + agevis + c_bmi + gpa + qa + BP + MH + ethn, data = Cleaned_data4t300919, na.action = na.exclude(Cleaned_data4t300919))

fm2 <- lme(formula= sfnVT ~ visit + sx + agevis , data = Cleaned_data4t300919, random = ~ 1 + visit |cenid, corAR1(),method = "ML", na.action = na.omit(Cleaned_data4t300919))

我想使用 ggplot 获得代码和绘图估计值。

na.action = na.omit(Cleaned_data4t300919)


来自 ?lme

na.action: a function that indicates what should happen when the data contain 'NA's

您提供的是数据,而不是函数,因为 na.omit(dataset) returns a data.frame with NA containing rows removed, rather than something that can be applied to the data=指定。只是:



确定此类问题的一种方法是使用 ?debug - debug(lme),然后逐行执行该函数以查看错误的确切响应。