Instagram Webhook 订阅失败

Instagram Webhook subscription fails

我正在尝试在实时 Facebook 应用程序上启用 Instagram story_insights webhook。我能够成功接收测试数据,但不会收到任何实时数据。

Webhook 已通过 Facebook 应用面板为应用配置,同时授予 "manage_pages" 和 "instagram_manage_insights" 权限。

我尝试对 {page-id}/subscribed_apps 端点执行 POST 请求,但无法订阅 instagram 故事见解,因为没有相关 subscribed_field .

在应用仪表板中注册 webhook 是否足以接收数据,或者我是否需要为连接到 Instagram 业务帐户的每个 Facebook 页面执行某种注册?

With Graph API version 3.2, the /{page-id}/subscribed_apps edge now requires the subscribed_fields parameter, which currently doesn't support Instgram webhooks fields. To get around this, use an older version of the API, or include the subscribed_fields parameter with a non-Instagram field, then unsubscribe from the field later using your app's dashboard.

只需使用一些很可能不会从您的 Facebook 页面更改的字段,例如 "email"。

从 API 文档中可以看出 ( )

Technically it doesn't matter which Page Field you subscribe to. Your app will not receive notifications of changes to that field unless you configure Page subscriptions in the App Dashboard and subscribe to that field.