从 AspectJ ProceedingJoinPoint 获取 Spring Bean

Get Spring Bean from AspectJ ProceedingJoinPoint

我正在寻找使用 AspectJ 获取 Spring 数据存储库接口或调用 void delete(id) 的 bean,该函数的问题是没有参数或 return 类型猜猜这个 bean,是否知道如何从 AspectJ ProceedingJoinPoint 获取调用 bean 或接口名称。


@Pointcut("execution(public * org.springframework.data.repository.Repository+.save(..)) || execution(public * org.springframework.data.repository.Repository+.delete(..)) && target(repository)") 
public void publicNonVoidRepositoryMethod(CrudRepository repository) {

@Around("publicNonVoidRepositoryMethod(CrudRepository repository)")
public Object publicNonVoidRepositoryMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp , CrudRepository repository) throws Throwable {



public class SampleAspect {
    // Apply to all repositories in package repositories
    @After("execution(* repositories.*.delete(*)) && target(repository) && args(id)")
    public void afterEntityDelete(CrudRepository repository, Object id) {


  • 为 CrudRepository、PagingAndSortingRepository 等上的所有删除方法声明切入点。:
  • 当从您的代码调用时,您可以传递实体本身
  • 另一方面,当通过 Spring Data REST 调用时,会使用 ID(在本例中为 Long)调用 delete 方法

在后一种情况下,我使用反射来深入了解实体类型。注意:我所有的实体都在实现 Identifiable 接口以允许轻松访问 getId():

@Pointcut("execution(* org.springframework.data.repository.*.delete(..)) && args(entity)")
    public void repoDelete(Object entity) {}

public void onDelete(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, Object entity) throws Throwable{
    String invoker = null; //this will become the type name
    Long entityId = 0L;
    if (entity.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.Long")){
        entityId = (Long)entity;
        REFLECT: {
            // this returns a list of JPA repository-related interfaces
            Class[] interfaces = jp.getTarget().getClass().getInterfaces();
            for (Class iface: interfaces) {
               // one of them is your JPA repository
               if (iface.getName().startsWith("YOUR REPO PACKAGE")){
                    // the entity type can be accessed via generics
                    ParameterizedType pType = (ParameterizedType) iface.getGenericInterfaces()[0];
                    // this list contains two values - the entity type and the identifier type
                    Type[] typeArgs = pType.getActualTypeArguments();
                    for (Type t: typeArgs) {
                        if (t.getTypeName().startsWith("YOUR ENTITY PACKAGE")) {
                            invoker = t.getTypeName();
                            break REFLECT; 
    } else {
        invoker = entity.getClass().getName();
        if (entity instanceof Identifiable) entityId = (Long) ((Identifiable) entity).getId();

    // do whatever you need ... 