如何 "sample" VHDL 中的一个值?

How to "sample" a value in VHDL?

所以我有一个从 1 到 15 的模计数器,然后在一个单独的实体中不断循环。我想,在依赖于某些输出的 case 语句中,在时钟的 rising_edge 上对该值进行采样,但只执行一次,否则该值将不断变化。有没有办法做到这一点?分配信号并使其保持静态? 我已经发布了一些代码,希望它们能更好地展示我想说的内容。

      begin --sensitivity list?
      if(reset) then
          playerCards <= "0000000000000000";
          dealerCards <= "0000000000000000";
      elsif rising_edge(clock) then
        case? deal & dealTo & dealToCardSlot is
          when "1100" =>
            playerCards(3 downto 0) <= singleCard;
                    playerCards(15 downto 4) <= (others => '0');
          when "1101" =>
            playerCards(7 downto 4) <= singleCard;
                    playerCards(15 downto 8) <= (others => '0');
          when "1110" =>
            playerCards(11 downto 8) <= singleCard;
                    playerCards(15 downto 12) <= (others => '0');
          when "1111" =>
            playerCards(15 downto 12) <= singleCard;
          when "1000" =>
            dealerCards(3 downto 0)   <= singleCard; --dcard1
            dealerCards( 15 downto 4) <= (others => '0');
          when "1001" =>
            dealerCards(7 downto 4)   <= singleCard; --dcard2
            dealerCards( 15 downto 8) <= (others => '0');
          when "1010" =>
            dealerCards(11 downto 8)  <= singleCard; --dcard3
            dealerCards( 15 downto 12) <= (others => '0');
          when "1011" =>
            dealerCards(15 downto 12) <= singleCard; --dcard4
          when "0--0" => null;                       --do nothing when in win/end
          when others => --this covers the start case --sets cards to 0
            playerCards <= "0000000000000000";
            dealerCards <= "0000000000000000"; 
        end case?;
      end if;
  end process;

这里我将 singleCard 链接到我的计数器的输出,它在每个时钟边沿递增。所以基本上我希望我的案例陈述只更新一次 playerCards 的值,然后停止。 感谢您的帮助。





有些人会坚持将状​​态机分成另外两个(甚至 3 个)进程,但我认为单个进程形式要小得多并且更容易理解。

   process(reset,clock) -- original sens list is incorrect for a clocked process
   variable sampling : boolean;
      if(reset) then
          sampling <= true;
          -- other reset actions
      elsif rising_edge(clock) then
         if sampling then   -- add conditions here, or it'll sample on the first clock.
            sampling := false;
            case ... -- sampling process and program logic
            end case;
            -- if you need to turn sampling back on, set "sampling" here
         end if;
      end if;
   end process;