如何修改Sawtooth fishnet网站和查看日志?

How to modify Sawtooth fishnet website and check logs?

您好,我想修改鱼网app的标签和内容,还想查看系统日志,请问怎么办? 现在我已经安装在 docker 但无法修改。

Hello I want to modify the labels and the content of the fishnet app ..

主要是,如果你想修改内容,你可以找到鱼网客户端的所有代码here. You can find the navigation app labels of the fishnet app in the main.js. Inside there, you can modify the labels by changing the string 'Add Fish', 'View Fish', 'Profile', etc. Secondly, please take a look files inside Components folder and views folder

I want to look into the logs of the system, how I can do that?

查看系统中所有日志的最简单方法是查看 Docker Dashboard . You could also check all logs of the system using docker logs command