如何在 C# HTTPListener 中使用 CSS 和 JS 请求完整的 HTML 页面

How to request full HTML page with CSS and JS in C# HTTPListener

我想编写一个 c# Http 网络服务器。如果请求 URL,我想将带有 CSS 和 JS 的 HTML 页面发送给客户端。我该怎么做?

static void Main(string[] args)
            HttpListener server = new HttpListener();  // this is the http server
            //server.Prefixes.Add("");  //we set a listening address here (localhost)

            server.Start();   // and start the server

            Console.WriteLine("Server started...");

            while (true)
                HttpListenerContext context = server.GetContext();
                HttpListenerResponse response = context.Response;

                byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("<html></html>");

                response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length;
                Stream st = response.OutputStream;
                st.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);




如果您提到的客户端能够使用和评估 JS 和 CSS,那么您可以将 javascript/CSS 作为内联文件或作为单独文件作为响应的一部分包含在内,如下所示。 .

byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("<html>
    <title>Page title</title>
 <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='styles.css'> 
<script src='js/script.js'></script>


我在 HTTPListenerContext class.

中尝试了 Request URL / RawURL 内容
static void Main(string[] args)
        HttpListener server = new HttpListener();  // this is the http server
        //server.Prefixes.Add("");  //we set a listening address here (localhost)

        server.Start();   // and start the server

        Console.WriteLine("Server started...");

        while (true)
            HttpListenerContext context = server.GetContext();
            HttpListenerResponse response = context.Response;

            Console.WriteLine("URL: {0}", context.Request.Url.OriginalString);
            Console.WriteLine("Raw URL: {0}", context.Request.RawUrl);

            byte[] buffer = File.ReadAllBytes("." + context.Request.RawUrl.Replace("%20", " "));

            response.ContentLength64 = buffer.Length;
            Stream st = response.OutputStream;
            st.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);


我只发送客户端(用户)请求的文件。感谢我的好 HTML 网站,它自动请求图片和 CSS 和 JS 文件。因此,当我进入 http://localhost:2002/ 时,它会自动向我发送完整的网站。
