如何根据可用性 table 计算 next/same 天?

How to calculate next/same day based on availability table?

我正在研究 excel 公式,以根据 excel table 查找下一个可用日期。我有两个 tables,A 和 B,table A 有日期和结果列,table B 有日期和计数,我想从 table B 获取日期根据 table A 和 B 的日期计数进入 table A 的结果列。 请注意 table A 的 "result" 列中的日期是预期输出,它始终与 table A 的日期列中的日期相同或更高。日期格式为 month/date/year

table A 
Date    Result
01-02-2018  01-02-2018
01-02-2018  01-02-2018
01-05-2018  01-05-2018
01-05-2018  01-05-2018
01-05-2018  01-07-2018
01-05-2018  01-07-2018
01-06-2018  01-07-2018
01-07-2018  01-10-2018
01-09-2018  01-10-2018
01-11-2018  01-12-2018
01-12-2018  01-12-2018

table B 
Date    Count
01-02-2018  3
01-03-2018  1
01-04-2018  3
01-05-2018  2
01-07-2018  3
01-10-2018  3
01-12-2018  2

假设 "table A" 放入 A1:A9,包括 A1: "table A", A2:B2 (header) : "Date"和 "Result"

"table B" 放入 A11:A1,包括 A11: "table B", A12:B12 (header) : "Date" 和"Count"



这个任务花了我比预期更长的时间来解决,最后我在几个 帮助列 的帮助下想出了一个解决方案(不确定它是否是一个选项? ).


  • TblA_Date 是您 Table A 中的所有日期(这是可选的,因为我没有在我的解决方案中使用它...);
  • TblB_Date 是您 Table B.
  • 中的所有日期

首先,我 "expanded" 你的 Table B 到列出所有日期的列表结构:

我的示例中 Cell J2 中第一个辅助列的公式是:


which is to find the running total of the counts in Table B.

单元格 M2 中第二个辅助列的公式为:


which is "laying" out all the dates from Table B using row position as a reference and comparing it with the running total of counts and returning the corresponding date. Given that it is an array formula you MUST press Ctrl+Shift+Enter upon finishing the formula in the formula bar otherwise it will not function correctly. Then you can simply drag the formula down to apply across.

Please note I have given the second helper column M2:M18 (excluding M19 which is an error) a name TblB_Date_Expanded.

下一步是根据您的条件 TblB_Date_Expanded 找到所需日期的位置

  1. "for every date in table A, the result date is either same date or the next higher date" AND
  2. 来自Table B的日期最多只能使用其对应的计数

E2 单元格中的公式为:


其中 A2Table A 中的第一个日期,您将在我的下一张屏幕截图中看到。

The logic is to use AGGREGATE function to return the closest starting date in TblB_Date_Expanded base on the given date in Table A, then use MATCH function to return the row position, and lastly use MAX function to increase the position by 1 if the same position has been used already (in the row above).

有了已知的行位置,我们可以使用以下公式轻松地从 TblB_Date_Expanded 中 return 相应的日期:


Thoughts, the difficult part that I cannot overcome is the use of "circular reference" or "self-reference" in the helper columns. In other words, I am not sure how to use a single formula to return an array of values whose calculation is depending on its precedent value. I hope someone may come up a more elegant way of solving this question :)
