如何使用 lmfit 的优化参数找到函数的面积(伪 Voigt)?
How to find the area of a function (Pseudo Voigt) using optimized parameters from lmfit?
我正在尝试确定曲线(峰值)的面积。我能够使用伪 Voigt 曲线和指数背景成功拟合峰值(数据),并获得与使用商业软件获得的参数一致的拟合参数。现在的问题是试图将那些拟合的峰参数与峰面积相关联。
我找不到使用拟合参数计算峰面积的简单方法,这与高斯线形的情况不同。所以我正在尝试使用 scipy quad 函数来集成我的拟合函数。我知道商业软件确定的面积应该在 19,000 左右,但我得到的值非常大,不正确。
拟合效果很好(通过绘图确认...)但计算面积并不接近。在尝试使用传递给它的最佳拟合值绘制 my psuedo_voigt_func 函数后,我发现它的峰值太强了。这样,集成可能是正确的,那么错误将出现在我如何通过将拟合参数传递给我的 psuedo_voigt_func 函数来创建我的峰值,其中该函数是从 lmfit 模型网站转录的(https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/builtin_models.html).我相信我正确地编写了 psuedo voigt 函数的脚本,但它不起作用。
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lmfit.models import GaussianModel, LinearModel, VoigtModel, Pearson7Model, ExponentialModel, PseudoVoigtModel
from scipy.integrate import quad
x = np.array([33.05, 33.1 , 33.15, 33.2 , 33.25, 33.3 , 33.35, 33.4 , 33.45, 33.5 , 33.55, 33.6 , 33.65, 33.7 , 33.75, 33.8 , 33.85, 33.9 , 33.95, 34. , 34.05, 34.1 , 34.15, 34.2 , 34.25, 34.3 , 34.35, 34.4 , 34.45, 34.5 , 34.55, 34.6 , 34.65, 34.7 , 34.75, 34.8 , 34.85, 34.9 , 34.95, 35. , 35.05, 35.1 , 35.15, 35.2 , 35.25, 35.3 , 35.35, 35.4 , 35.45, 35.5 , 35.55, 35.6 , 35.65, 35.7 , 35.75, 35.8 , 35.85, 35.9 , 35.95, 36. , 36.05, 36.1 , 36.15, 36.2 , 36.25, 36.3 , 36.35, 36.4 , 36.45])
y = np.array([4569, 4736, 4610, 4563, 4639, 4574, 4619, 4473, 4488, 4512, 4474, 4640, 4691, 4621, 4671, 4749, 4657, 4751, 4921, 5003, 5071, 5041, 5121, 5165, 5352, 5304, 5408, 5393, 5544, 5625, 5859, 5851, 6155, 6647, 7150, 7809, 9017, 10967, 14122, 19529, 28029, 39535, 50684, 55730, 52525, 41356, 30015, 20345, 14368, 10736, 9012, 7765, 7064, 6336, 6011, 5806, 5461, 5283, 5224, 5221, 4895, 4980, 4895, 4852, 4889, 4821, 4872, 4802, 4928])
bkg_model = ExponentialModel(prefix='bkg_') #BACKGROUND model
peak_model = PseudoVoigtModel(prefix='peak_') #PEAK model
model = peak_model + bkg_model
pars = bkg_model.guess(y, x=x) #BACKGROUND parameters
pars.update(peak_model.make_params()) #PEAK parameters
pars['peak_amplitude'].set(value=17791.293, min=0)
pars['peak_center'].set(value=35.2, min=0, max=91)
pars['peak_sigma'].set(value=0.05, min=0)
init = model.eval(pars, x=x) #initial parameters
out = model.fit(y, pars, x=x) #fitting
#integration part
def psuedo_voigt_func(x, amp, cen, sig, alpha):
sig_gauss = sig / np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))
term1 = (amp * (1-alpha)) / (sig_gauss * np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
term2 = np.exp(-(x-cen)**2) / (2 * sig_gauss**2)
term3 = ((amp*alpha) / np.pi) * ( sig / ((x-cen)**2) + sig**2)
psuedo_voigt = (term1 * term2) + term3
return psuedo_voigt
fitted_amp = out.best_values['peak_amplitude']
fitted_cen = out.best_values['peak_center']
fitted_sig = out.best_values['peak_sigma']
fitted_alpha = out.best_values['peak_fraction']
print(quad(psuedo_voigt_func, min(x), max(x), args=(fitted_amp, fitted_cen, fitted_sig, fitted_alpha)))
#output result of fit:
(Model(pvoigt, prefix='peak_') + Model(exponential, prefix='bkg_'))
[[Fit Statistics]]
# fitting method = leastsq
# function evals = 542
# data points = 69
# variables = 6
chi-square = 2334800.79
reduced chi-square = 37060.3300
Akaike info crit = 731.623813
Bayesian info crit = 745.028452
bkg_amplitude: 4439.34760 +/- 819.477320 (18.46%) (init = 10.30444)
bkg_decay: -38229822.8 +/- 5.6275e+12 (14720258.94%) (init = -5.314193)
peak_amplitude: 19868.0711 +/- 106.363477 (0.54%) (init = 17791.29)
peak_center: 35.2039076 +/- 3.3971e-04 (0.00%) (init = 35.2)
peak_sigma: 0.14358871 +/- 5.6049e-04 (0.39%) (init = 0.05)
peak_fraction: 0.62733180 +/- 0.01233108 (1.97%) (init = 0.5)
peak_fwhm: 0.28717742 +/- 0.00112155 (0.39%) == '2.0000000*peak_sigma'
peak_height: 51851.3174 +/- 141.903066 (0.27%) == '(((1 peak_fraction)*peak_amplitude)/max(2.220446049250313e-16, (peak_sigma*sqrt(pi/log(2))))+(peak_fraction*peak_amplitude /max(2.220446049250313e-16, (pi*peak_sigma)))'
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
C(bkg_amplitude, bkg_decay) = -0.999
C(peak_amplitude, peak_fraction) = 0.838
C(peak_sigma, peak_fraction) = -0.481
C(bkg_decay, peak_amplitude) = -0.338
C(bkg_amplitude, peak_amplitude) = 0.310
C(bkg_decay, peak_fraction) = -0.215
C(bkg_amplitude, peak_fraction) = 0.191
C(bkg_decay, peak_center) = -0.183
C(bkg_amplitude, peak_center) = 0.183
C(bkg_amplitude, peak_sigma) = 0.139
C(bkg_decay, peak_sigma) = -0.137
#output of integration:
(4015474.293103768, 3509959.3601876567)
C:/Users/script.py:126: IntegrationWarning: The integral is probably divergent, or slowly convergent.
与 lmfit
就其价值而言,最好使用真正的 Voigt 函数而不是伪 Voigt 函数。
OP 的 pseudo_voigt
格式不正确,但似乎也没有错,但是 pseudo_voigt
有不同的定义。下面我从维基百科实现了一个(link 在代码中),它通常会产生很好的结果。然而,从对数尺度来看,这个数据并不是很好。我还使用复杂的定义来获得真正的 Voigtusing Fedeeva
函数,如 lmfit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.special import wofz
from scipy.integrate import quad
def cauchy(x, x0, g):
return 1. / ( np.pi * g * ( 1 + ( ( x - x0 ) / g )**2 ) )
def gauss( x, x0, s):
return 1./ np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * s**2 ) * np.exp( - (x-x0)**2 / ( 2 * s**2 ) )
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voigt_profile#Numeric_approximations
def pseudo_voigt( x, x0, s, g, a, y0 ):
fg = 2 * s * np.sqrt( 2 * np.log(2) )
fl = 2 * g
f = ( fg**5 + 2.69269 * fg**4 * fl + 2.42843 * fg**3 * fl**2 + 4.47163 * fg**2 * fl**3 + 0.07842 * fg * fl**4+ fl**5)**(1./5.)
eta = 1.36603 * ( fl / f ) - 0.47719 * ( fl / f )**2 + 0.11116 * ( f / fl )**3
return y0 + a * ( eta * cauchy( x, x0, f) + ( 1 - eta ) * gauss( x, x0, f ) )
def voigt( x, s, g):
z = ( x + 1j * g ) / ( s * np.sqrt( 2. ) )
v = wofz( z ) #Feddeeva
out = np.real( v ) / s / np.sqrt( 2 * np.pi )
return out
def fitfun( x, x0, s, g, a, y0 ):
return y0 + a * voigt( x - x0, s, g )
if __name__ == '__main__':
xlist = np.array( [ 33.05, 33.1 , 33.15, 33.2 , 33.25, 33.3 , 33.35, 33.4 , 33.45, 33.5 , 33.55, 33.6 , 33.65, 33.7 , 33.75, 33.8 , 33.85, 33.9 , 33.95, 34. , 34.05, 34.1 , 34.15, 34.2 , 34.25, 34.3 , 34.35, 34.4 , 34.45, 34.5 , 34.55, 34.6 , 34.65, 34.7 , 34.75, 34.8 , 34.85, 34.9 , 34.95, 35. , 35.05, 35.1 , 35.15, 35.2 , 35.25, 35.3 , 35.35, 35.4 , 35.45, 35.5 , 35.55, 35.6 , 35.65, 35.7 , 35.75, 35.8 , 35.85, 35.9 , 35.95, 36. , 36.05, 36.1 , 36.15, 36.2 , 36.25, 36.3 , 36.35, 36.4 , 36.45])
ylist = np.array( [ 4569, 4736, 4610, 4563, 4639, 4574, 4619, 4473, 4488, 4512, 4474, 4640, 4691, 4621, 4671, 4749, 4657, 4751, 4921, 5003, 5071, 5041, 5121, 5165, 5352, 5304, 5408, 5393, 5544, 5625, 5859, 5851, 6155, 6647, 7150, 7809, 9017, 10967, 14122, 19529, 28029, 39535, 50684, 55730, 52525, 41356, 30015, 20345, 14368, 10736, 9012, 7765, 7064, 6336, 6011, 5806, 5461, 5283, 5224, 5221, 4895, 4980, 4895, 4852, 4889, 4821, 4872, 4802, 4928])
sol, err = curve_fit( pseudo_voigt, xlist, ylist, p0=[ 35.25,.05,.05, 30000., 3000] )
solv, errv = curve_fit( fitfun, xlist, ylist, p0=[ 35.25,.05,.05, 20000., 3000] )
print solv
xth = np.linspace( xlist[0], xlist[-1], 500)
yth = np.fromiter( ( pseudo_voigt(x ,*sol) for x in xth ), np.float )
yv = np.fromiter( ( fitfun(x ,*solv) for x in xth ), np.float )
print( quad(pseudo_voigt, xlist[0], xlist[-1], args=tuple( sol ) ) )
print( quad(fitfun, xlist[0], xlist[-1], args=tuple( solv ) ) )
solvNoBack = solv
solvNoBack[-1] =0
print( quad(fitfun, xlist[0], xlist[-1], args=tuple( solvNoBack ) ) )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 1, 1, 1 )
ax.plot( xlist, ylist, marker='o', linestyle='', label='data' )
ax.plot( xth, yth, label='pseudo' )
ax.plot( xth, yv, label='voigt with hack' )
plt.legend( loc=0 )
[3.52039054e+01 8.13244777e-02 7.80206967e-02 1.96178358e+04 4.48314849e+03]
(34264.98814344757, 0.00017531957481189617)
(34241.971907301166, 0.0002019796740206914)
(18999.266974139795, 0.0002019796990069267)
从图中可以明显看出 pseudo_voigt
不是很好。然而,积分差别不大。不过,考虑到拟合优化 chi**2
我正在尝试确定曲线(峰值)的面积。我能够使用伪 Voigt 曲线和指数背景成功拟合峰值(数据),并获得与使用商业软件获得的参数一致的拟合参数。现在的问题是试图将那些拟合的峰参数与峰面积相关联。
我找不到使用拟合参数计算峰面积的简单方法,这与高斯线形的情况不同。所以我正在尝试使用 scipy quad 函数来集成我的拟合函数。我知道商业软件确定的面积应该在 19,000 左右,但我得到的值非常大,不正确。
拟合效果很好(通过绘图确认...)但计算面积并不接近。在尝试使用传递给它的最佳拟合值绘制 my psuedo_voigt_func 函数后,我发现它的峰值太强了。这样,集成可能是正确的,那么错误将出现在我如何通过将拟合参数传递给我的 psuedo_voigt_func 函数来创建我的峰值,其中该函数是从 lmfit 模型网站转录的(https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/builtin_models.html).我相信我正确地编写了 psuedo voigt 函数的脚本,但它不起作用。
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lmfit.models import GaussianModel, LinearModel, VoigtModel, Pearson7Model, ExponentialModel, PseudoVoigtModel
from scipy.integrate import quad
x = np.array([33.05, 33.1 , 33.15, 33.2 , 33.25, 33.3 , 33.35, 33.4 , 33.45, 33.5 , 33.55, 33.6 , 33.65, 33.7 , 33.75, 33.8 , 33.85, 33.9 , 33.95, 34. , 34.05, 34.1 , 34.15, 34.2 , 34.25, 34.3 , 34.35, 34.4 , 34.45, 34.5 , 34.55, 34.6 , 34.65, 34.7 , 34.75, 34.8 , 34.85, 34.9 , 34.95, 35. , 35.05, 35.1 , 35.15, 35.2 , 35.25, 35.3 , 35.35, 35.4 , 35.45, 35.5 , 35.55, 35.6 , 35.65, 35.7 , 35.75, 35.8 , 35.85, 35.9 , 35.95, 36. , 36.05, 36.1 , 36.15, 36.2 , 36.25, 36.3 , 36.35, 36.4 , 36.45])
y = np.array([4569, 4736, 4610, 4563, 4639, 4574, 4619, 4473, 4488, 4512, 4474, 4640, 4691, 4621, 4671, 4749, 4657, 4751, 4921, 5003, 5071, 5041, 5121, 5165, 5352, 5304, 5408, 5393, 5544, 5625, 5859, 5851, 6155, 6647, 7150, 7809, 9017, 10967, 14122, 19529, 28029, 39535, 50684, 55730, 52525, 41356, 30015, 20345, 14368, 10736, 9012, 7765, 7064, 6336, 6011, 5806, 5461, 5283, 5224, 5221, 4895, 4980, 4895, 4852, 4889, 4821, 4872, 4802, 4928])
bkg_model = ExponentialModel(prefix='bkg_') #BACKGROUND model
peak_model = PseudoVoigtModel(prefix='peak_') #PEAK model
model = peak_model + bkg_model
pars = bkg_model.guess(y, x=x) #BACKGROUND parameters
pars.update(peak_model.make_params()) #PEAK parameters
pars['peak_amplitude'].set(value=17791.293, min=0)
pars['peak_center'].set(value=35.2, min=0, max=91)
pars['peak_sigma'].set(value=0.05, min=0)
init = model.eval(pars, x=x) #initial parameters
out = model.fit(y, pars, x=x) #fitting
#integration part
def psuedo_voigt_func(x, amp, cen, sig, alpha):
sig_gauss = sig / np.sqrt(2*np.log(2))
term1 = (amp * (1-alpha)) / (sig_gauss * np.sqrt(2*np.pi))
term2 = np.exp(-(x-cen)**2) / (2 * sig_gauss**2)
term3 = ((amp*alpha) / np.pi) * ( sig / ((x-cen)**2) + sig**2)
psuedo_voigt = (term1 * term2) + term3
return psuedo_voigt
fitted_amp = out.best_values['peak_amplitude']
fitted_cen = out.best_values['peak_center']
fitted_sig = out.best_values['peak_sigma']
fitted_alpha = out.best_values['peak_fraction']
print(quad(psuedo_voigt_func, min(x), max(x), args=(fitted_amp, fitted_cen, fitted_sig, fitted_alpha)))
#output result of fit:
(Model(pvoigt, prefix='peak_') + Model(exponential, prefix='bkg_'))
[[Fit Statistics]]
# fitting method = leastsq
# function evals = 542
# data points = 69
# variables = 6
chi-square = 2334800.79
reduced chi-square = 37060.3300
Akaike info crit = 731.623813
Bayesian info crit = 745.028452
bkg_amplitude: 4439.34760 +/- 819.477320 (18.46%) (init = 10.30444)
bkg_decay: -38229822.8 +/- 5.6275e+12 (14720258.94%) (init = -5.314193)
peak_amplitude: 19868.0711 +/- 106.363477 (0.54%) (init = 17791.29)
peak_center: 35.2039076 +/- 3.3971e-04 (0.00%) (init = 35.2)
peak_sigma: 0.14358871 +/- 5.6049e-04 (0.39%) (init = 0.05)
peak_fraction: 0.62733180 +/- 0.01233108 (1.97%) (init = 0.5)
peak_fwhm: 0.28717742 +/- 0.00112155 (0.39%) == '2.0000000*peak_sigma'
peak_height: 51851.3174 +/- 141.903066 (0.27%) == '(((1 peak_fraction)*peak_amplitude)/max(2.220446049250313e-16, (peak_sigma*sqrt(pi/log(2))))+(peak_fraction*peak_amplitude /max(2.220446049250313e-16, (pi*peak_sigma)))'
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
C(bkg_amplitude, bkg_decay) = -0.999
C(peak_amplitude, peak_fraction) = 0.838
C(peak_sigma, peak_fraction) = -0.481
C(bkg_decay, peak_amplitude) = -0.338
C(bkg_amplitude, peak_amplitude) = 0.310
C(bkg_decay, peak_fraction) = -0.215
C(bkg_amplitude, peak_fraction) = 0.191
C(bkg_decay, peak_center) = -0.183
C(bkg_amplitude, peak_center) = 0.183
C(bkg_amplitude, peak_sigma) = 0.139
C(bkg_decay, peak_sigma) = -0.137
#output of integration:
(4015474.293103768, 3509959.3601876567)
C:/Users/script.py:126: IntegrationWarning: The integral is probably divergent, or slowly convergent.
与 lmfit
就其价值而言,最好使用真正的 Voigt 函数而不是伪 Voigt 函数。
OP 的 pseudo_voigt
格式不正确,但似乎也没有错,但是 pseudo_voigt
有不同的定义。下面我从维基百科实现了一个(link 在代码中),它通常会产生很好的结果。然而,从对数尺度来看,这个数据并不是很好。我还使用复杂的定义来获得真正的 Voigtusing Fedeeva
函数,如 lmfit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.special import wofz
from scipy.integrate import quad
def cauchy(x, x0, g):
return 1. / ( np.pi * g * ( 1 + ( ( x - x0 ) / g )**2 ) )
def gauss( x, x0, s):
return 1./ np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * s**2 ) * np.exp( - (x-x0)**2 / ( 2 * s**2 ) )
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voigt_profile#Numeric_approximations
def pseudo_voigt( x, x0, s, g, a, y0 ):
fg = 2 * s * np.sqrt( 2 * np.log(2) )
fl = 2 * g
f = ( fg**5 + 2.69269 * fg**4 * fl + 2.42843 * fg**3 * fl**2 + 4.47163 * fg**2 * fl**3 + 0.07842 * fg * fl**4+ fl**5)**(1./5.)
eta = 1.36603 * ( fl / f ) - 0.47719 * ( fl / f )**2 + 0.11116 * ( f / fl )**3
return y0 + a * ( eta * cauchy( x, x0, f) + ( 1 - eta ) * gauss( x, x0, f ) )
def voigt( x, s, g):
z = ( x + 1j * g ) / ( s * np.sqrt( 2. ) )
v = wofz( z ) #Feddeeva
out = np.real( v ) / s / np.sqrt( 2 * np.pi )
return out
def fitfun( x, x0, s, g, a, y0 ):
return y0 + a * voigt( x - x0, s, g )
if __name__ == '__main__':
xlist = np.array( [ 33.05, 33.1 , 33.15, 33.2 , 33.25, 33.3 , 33.35, 33.4 , 33.45, 33.5 , 33.55, 33.6 , 33.65, 33.7 , 33.75, 33.8 , 33.85, 33.9 , 33.95, 34. , 34.05, 34.1 , 34.15, 34.2 , 34.25, 34.3 , 34.35, 34.4 , 34.45, 34.5 , 34.55, 34.6 , 34.65, 34.7 , 34.75, 34.8 , 34.85, 34.9 , 34.95, 35. , 35.05, 35.1 , 35.15, 35.2 , 35.25, 35.3 , 35.35, 35.4 , 35.45, 35.5 , 35.55, 35.6 , 35.65, 35.7 , 35.75, 35.8 , 35.85, 35.9 , 35.95, 36. , 36.05, 36.1 , 36.15, 36.2 , 36.25, 36.3 , 36.35, 36.4 , 36.45])
ylist = np.array( [ 4569, 4736, 4610, 4563, 4639, 4574, 4619, 4473, 4488, 4512, 4474, 4640, 4691, 4621, 4671, 4749, 4657, 4751, 4921, 5003, 5071, 5041, 5121, 5165, 5352, 5304, 5408, 5393, 5544, 5625, 5859, 5851, 6155, 6647, 7150, 7809, 9017, 10967, 14122, 19529, 28029, 39535, 50684, 55730, 52525, 41356, 30015, 20345, 14368, 10736, 9012, 7765, 7064, 6336, 6011, 5806, 5461, 5283, 5224, 5221, 4895, 4980, 4895, 4852, 4889, 4821, 4872, 4802, 4928])
sol, err = curve_fit( pseudo_voigt, xlist, ylist, p0=[ 35.25,.05,.05, 30000., 3000] )
solv, errv = curve_fit( fitfun, xlist, ylist, p0=[ 35.25,.05,.05, 20000., 3000] )
print solv
xth = np.linspace( xlist[0], xlist[-1], 500)
yth = np.fromiter( ( pseudo_voigt(x ,*sol) for x in xth ), np.float )
yv = np.fromiter( ( fitfun(x ,*solv) for x in xth ), np.float )
print( quad(pseudo_voigt, xlist[0], xlist[-1], args=tuple( sol ) ) )
print( quad(fitfun, xlist[0], xlist[-1], args=tuple( solv ) ) )
solvNoBack = solv
solvNoBack[-1] =0
print( quad(fitfun, xlist[0], xlist[-1], args=tuple( solvNoBack ) ) )
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot( 1, 1, 1 )
ax.plot( xlist, ylist, marker='o', linestyle='', label='data' )
ax.plot( xth, yth, label='pseudo' )
ax.plot( xth, yv, label='voigt with hack' )
plt.legend( loc=0 )
[3.52039054e+01 8.13244777e-02 7.80206967e-02 1.96178358e+04 4.48314849e+03]
(34264.98814344757, 0.00017531957481189617)
(34241.971907301166, 0.0002019796740206914)
(18999.266974139795, 0.0002019796990069267)
从图中可以明显看出 pseudo_voigt
不是很好。然而,积分差别不大。不过,考虑到拟合优化 chi**2