An invalid path was specified when tried to rename file
我正在 Python 中编写一个版本升级脚本(一个自动版本号递增脚本),但我感觉重命名时发生了一件奇怪的事情Maya 中的代码。
我不确定 Maya 如何存储文件路径,但每当我尝试重命名它时,它都会告诉我 "An invalid path was specified." 以及我的文件路径。
而且我想更奇怪的是,它只在几个案例中提到了这个错误。一旦我尝试重命名 Maya 资产文件夹中的文件(是的,我已经为 Maya 设置了要查找的项目),它给了我那个错误。但是当我从 Maya 的场景文件夹中打开文件时一切正常。然后,在另一个项目文件夹中,无论我打开资产文件还是场景文件,一切都完美无缺。
a = cmds.file (query = True, expandName = True) #result: D:/DATA/MAYA/myProject/assets/testFolder/test_01.ma
#print a[:-3]
x,y = a[-5:-3] #result: x = 0, y = 1
x = int(x)
y = int(y)
if y < 9:
y += 1 #result: x = 0, y = 2
#print (y)
elif y == 9:
y = 0
x += 1
x = str(x)
y = str(y)
b = a.replace(a[-5:-3], x+y) #replace 01 with 02
#print b
cmds.file (rename = b) #this is where I got the error. the result should be D:/DATA/MAYA/myProject/assets/testFolder/test_02.ma
请注意,处理字符串格式以重命名场景的函数将使用最少 2 位数字(01、02 等)和最多 3 位数字(100、101 等)。如果超过 999 次迭代,则需要稍微修改一下。
此方法依赖于文件版本前的下划线(例如 _01.mb),而不是当前的字符串索引方法。
import maya.cmds as cmds
def getNextVersion():
curName = cmds.file(query=True, expandName=True) # eg. D:/yourScene_01.mb
curVersionFull = curName.split('_')[-1] # eg. 01.mb
versionExtension = curVersionFull.split('.') # eg. ['01', 'mb']
curVersionNum = int(versionExtension[0]) # eg. 1
extension = versionExtension[1] # eg. 'mb'
nextVersionNum = curVersionNum + 1 # increment your version
if nextVersionNum < 100:
nextVersionFull = '{:02d}.{}'.format(nextVersionNum, extension) # eg. 02.mb
nextVersionFull = '{:03d}.{}'.format(nextVersionNum, extension) # eg. 100.mb
newName = curName.replace(curVersionFull, nextVersionFull)
return newName
您已经接受了另一个答案,我相信您问题的核心是@green-cell 所描述的内容。至于这怎么可能,其实我也不知道。 Maya 通常不会让您保存到不存在的文件夹。
import maya.cmds as cmds
# Error: An invalid path was specified. : D:/doesntexist/
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<maya console>", line 2, in <module>
# RuntimeError: An invalid path was specified. : D:/doesntexist/ #
无论如何,我在这里为您整理了一个更全面的功能。请注意,很难满足所有可能的文件名模式,特别是如果允许用户在过程的任何部分指定自己的文件名。这次我使用 regular expressions
import re
import os
import maya.cmds as cmds
def getNextVersion(createDir=True):
'''Find next available filename iteration based on current scene name
createDir (bool, optional): True to create the output directory if required. False to leave as-is (may trigger a failure)
str|None: Full file path with incremented version number. None on failure
# Grab current filename. This always returns something. If unsaved, it will return something unsavory, but still a string
curFile = cmds.file(query=True, expandName=True)
print('Current filename is {}'.format(curFile))
# This matches a digit between 1 and 4 numbers in length, followed immediately by a file extension between 2 and 3 characters long
m = re.match(r'(.+?)(\d{1,4})\.(\w{2,3})', curFile)
if m == None:
print('Failed at regex execution. Filename does not match our desired pattern')
return None
# Extract regex matches
basePath = m.group(1)
version = m.group(2)
extension = m.group(3)
# Failsafe. Should not trigger
if not basePath or not version or not extension:
print('Failed at failsafe. Filename does not match our desired pattern')
return None
# Increment file version
numDigits = len(version)
newFile = None
version = int(version) + 1
# Deal with padding
newLength = len(str(version))
if newLength > numDigits:
numDigits = newLength
# Compile new path
newFile = '{base}{ver:{numDig:02d}d}.{ext}'.format(base=basePath, ver=version, numDig=numDigits, ext=extension)
except Exception as e:
print('Error parsing new version for path {}: {}'.format(curFile, e))
return None
# Another failsafe
if not newFile:
print('Failed at failsafe. Filename calculations succeeded, but new path is not valid')
return None
# Create output dir if needed
dirname = os.path.dirname(newFile)
if createDir and not os.path.isdir(dirname):
print('Created all dirs required to build path {}'.format(dirname))
except Exception as e:
print('Error creating path {}: {}'.format(dirname, e))
return None
return newFile
nextVersion = getNextVersion()
if not nextVersion:
cmds.error('Error parsing new filename increment. Please see console for more information')
我意识到错误只发生在第一个版本上。假设我的第一个版本是 sceneName_01.ma 并尝试升级并保存它,Maya 会告诉我 "An invalid path was specified"。但是如果我手动将其重命名为sceneName_02.ma并再次重新运行代码,代码将正常运行。
虽然不是因为版本号。一旦我尝试将我的第一个版本保存为 sceneName_00.ma 并尝试脚本,它仍然给了我同样的错误。我不得不手动将其重命名为 sceneName_01.ma 并重新 运行 脚本,直到那时它才起作用。
# Error: RuntimeError: file <maya console> line 1: An invalid path was specified.
此错误在 运行 cmds.file(rename=your_path)
但提供的路径目录不存在时触发,这是有道理的,因为它 不是 有效!
所以您所要做的就是在调用它之前创建文件夹。您可以为此使用 os.makedirs
。您不想在完整路径中包含文件名,因此您也可以使用 os.path.dirname
将其删除。因此,使用 os.path.dirname
不是传递它 "/my/full/path/file_name.mb"
,而是将其剥离为 "/my/full/path"
因此扩展 itypewithmyhands 的答案将如下所示:
import os
newVersion = getNextVersion()
versionFolder = os.path.dirname(newVersion)
if not os.path.exists(versionFolder):
我正在 Python 中编写一个版本升级脚本(一个自动版本号递增脚本),但我感觉重命名时发生了一件奇怪的事情Maya 中的代码。
我不确定 Maya 如何存储文件路径,但每当我尝试重命名它时,它都会告诉我 "An invalid path was specified." 以及我的文件路径。
而且我想更奇怪的是,它只在几个案例中提到了这个错误。一旦我尝试重命名 Maya 资产文件夹中的文件(是的,我已经为 Maya 设置了要查找的项目),它给了我那个错误。但是当我从 Maya 的场景文件夹中打开文件时一切正常。然后,在另一个项目文件夹中,无论我打开资产文件还是场景文件,一切都完美无缺。
a = cmds.file (query = True, expandName = True) #result: D:/DATA/MAYA/myProject/assets/testFolder/test_01.ma
#print a[:-3]
x,y = a[-5:-3] #result: x = 0, y = 1
x = int(x)
y = int(y)
if y < 9:
y += 1 #result: x = 0, y = 2
#print (y)
elif y == 9:
y = 0
x += 1
x = str(x)
y = str(y)
b = a.replace(a[-5:-3], x+y) #replace 01 with 02
#print b
cmds.file (rename = b) #this is where I got the error. the result should be D:/DATA/MAYA/myProject/assets/testFolder/test_02.ma
请注意,处理字符串格式以重命名场景的函数将使用最少 2 位数字(01、02 等)和最多 3 位数字(100、101 等)。如果超过 999 次迭代,则需要稍微修改一下。
注: 此方法依赖于文件版本前的下划线(例如 _01.mb),而不是当前的字符串索引方法。
import maya.cmds as cmds
def getNextVersion():
curName = cmds.file(query=True, expandName=True) # eg. D:/yourScene_01.mb
curVersionFull = curName.split('_')[-1] # eg. 01.mb
versionExtension = curVersionFull.split('.') # eg. ['01', 'mb']
curVersionNum = int(versionExtension[0]) # eg. 1
extension = versionExtension[1] # eg. 'mb'
nextVersionNum = curVersionNum + 1 # increment your version
if nextVersionNum < 100:
nextVersionFull = '{:02d}.{}'.format(nextVersionNum, extension) # eg. 02.mb
nextVersionFull = '{:03d}.{}'.format(nextVersionNum, extension) # eg. 100.mb
newName = curName.replace(curVersionFull, nextVersionFull)
return newName
您已经接受了另一个答案,我相信您问题的核心是@green-cell 所描述的内容。至于这怎么可能,其实我也不知道。 Maya 通常不会让您保存到不存在的文件夹。
import maya.cmds as cmds
# Error: An invalid path was specified. : D:/doesntexist/
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<maya console>", line 2, in <module>
# RuntimeError: An invalid path was specified. : D:/doesntexist/ #
无论如何,我在这里为您整理了一个更全面的功能。请注意,很难满足所有可能的文件名模式,特别是如果允许用户在过程的任何部分指定自己的文件名。这次我使用 regular expressions
import re
import os
import maya.cmds as cmds
def getNextVersion(createDir=True):
'''Find next available filename iteration based on current scene name
createDir (bool, optional): True to create the output directory if required. False to leave as-is (may trigger a failure)
str|None: Full file path with incremented version number. None on failure
# Grab current filename. This always returns something. If unsaved, it will return something unsavory, but still a string
curFile = cmds.file(query=True, expandName=True)
print('Current filename is {}'.format(curFile))
# This matches a digit between 1 and 4 numbers in length, followed immediately by a file extension between 2 and 3 characters long
m = re.match(r'(.+?)(\d{1,4})\.(\w{2,3})', curFile)
if m == None:
print('Failed at regex execution. Filename does not match our desired pattern')
return None
# Extract regex matches
basePath = m.group(1)
version = m.group(2)
extension = m.group(3)
# Failsafe. Should not trigger
if not basePath or not version or not extension:
print('Failed at failsafe. Filename does not match our desired pattern')
return None
# Increment file version
numDigits = len(version)
newFile = None
version = int(version) + 1
# Deal with padding
newLength = len(str(version))
if newLength > numDigits:
numDigits = newLength
# Compile new path
newFile = '{base}{ver:{numDig:02d}d}.{ext}'.format(base=basePath, ver=version, numDig=numDigits, ext=extension)
except Exception as e:
print('Error parsing new version for path {}: {}'.format(curFile, e))
return None
# Another failsafe
if not newFile:
print('Failed at failsafe. Filename calculations succeeded, but new path is not valid')
return None
# Create output dir if needed
dirname = os.path.dirname(newFile)
if createDir and not os.path.isdir(dirname):
print('Created all dirs required to build path {}'.format(dirname))
except Exception as e:
print('Error creating path {}: {}'.format(dirname, e))
return None
return newFile
nextVersion = getNextVersion()
if not nextVersion:
cmds.error('Error parsing new filename increment. Please see console for more information')
我意识到错误只发生在第一个版本上。假设我的第一个版本是 sceneName_01.ma 并尝试升级并保存它,Maya 会告诉我 "An invalid path was specified"。但是如果我手动将其重命名为sceneName_02.ma并再次重新运行代码,代码将正常运行。
虽然不是因为版本号。一旦我尝试将我的第一个版本保存为 sceneName_00.ma 并尝试脚本,它仍然给了我同样的错误。我不得不手动将其重命名为 sceneName_01.ma 并重新 运行 脚本,直到那时它才起作用。
# Error: RuntimeError: file <maya console> line 1: An invalid path was specified.
此错误在 运行 cmds.file(rename=your_path)
但提供的路径目录不存在时触发,这是有道理的,因为它 不是 有效!
所以您所要做的就是在调用它之前创建文件夹。您可以为此使用 os.makedirs
。您不想在完整路径中包含文件名,因此您也可以使用 os.path.dirname
将其删除。因此,使用 os.path.dirname
不是传递它 "/my/full/path/file_name.mb"
,而是将其剥离为 "/my/full/path"
因此扩展 itypewithmyhands 的答案将如下所示:
import os
newVersion = getNextVersion()
versionFolder = os.path.dirname(newVersion)
if not os.path.exists(versionFolder):