与 Quasar 对话框插件一起使用时如何将道具传递给组件

How to pass props to component when used with Quasar dialog plugin

根据 quasar docs,与 dialog plugin 一起使用的自定义组件可以有 props。但我不知道如何通过

this.$q.dialog({component: CustomComponent,})

docs 状态你可以像这样在逗号后添加它们:

  component: CustomComponent,

  // optional if you want to have access to
  // Router, Vuex store, and so on, in your
  // custom component:
  parent: this, // becomes child of this Vue node
                // ("this" points to your Vue component)
                // (prop was called "root" in < 1.1.0 and
                // still works, but recommending to switch
                // to the more appropriate "parent" name)

  // props forwarded to component
  // (everything except "component" and "parent" props above):
  text: 'something',
  // ...more.props...