
Custom keras activation function for different neurons

我有一个自定义的 keras 层,我必须创建我的自定义激活函数。是否可以将不同神经元的固定激活放在同一层中? 例如,假设我有一个包含 3 个单元的密集层,我希望第一个单元的激活是 relu,第二个是 tanh,第三个是 sigmoid;独立于 x 的值,因此这是不正确的:

def myactivation(x):
    if x something:
        return relu(x)
    elif something else :
        return another_activation(x)


def myactivation(x):
    if x == neuron0:
        return relu(x)
    elif x == neuron1:
        return tanh(x)
        return sigmoid(x)


import keras.backend as K

def myactivation(x):
    #x is the layer's output, shaped as (batch_size, units)

    #each element in the last dimension is a neuron
    n0 = x[:,0:1]
    n1 = x[:,1:2]
    n2 = x[:,2:3]  #each N is shaped as (batch_size, 1)

    #apply the activation to each neuron
    x0 = K.relu(n0)
    x1 = K.tanh(n1)
    x2 = K.sigmoid(n2)

    return K.concatenate([x0,x1,x2], axis=-1) #return to the original shape