当 int32 行为异常时得到错误答案,我该如何解决? C#

Getting wrong answer when int32 behave wierd, how do I solve it? C#

我正在尝试使用此代码获取结果。它应该可以与我选择的任何 numer/numbers 一起使用,但它最后只能与“0”一起使用。 (val1,是我在其中写入 number/numbers 的文本框)和(yarncombobox,ft3.garnlangd1 是我获取计算所需值的地方)。我猜 Int32 可能是错误的...我应该改用什么?

此外,删除所有数字时我收到错误消息 "System.FormatException: 'Indatasträngen hade ett felaktigt format.'"

private void YarnWeightTextbox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

            Int32 val1 = Convert.ToInt32(YarnWeightTextbox.Text);
        Class2 ft3 = YarnComboBox.SelectedItem as Class2;
            YarnLengthTextbox.Text = Convert.ToString((val1 / 50) * ft3.garnlangd1);


            float val1 = Convert.ToSingle(YarnWeightTextbox.Text);
        Class2 ft3 = YarnComboBox.SelectedItem as Class2;
        float val2 = val1 / 50 * ft3.garnlangd1;
            YarnLengthTextbox.Text = Convert.ToString(val2);


private void YarnWeightTextbox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Check for the empty string. If it is empty then just return
        string weight = YarnWeightTextbox.Text;

        //Otherwise convert to integer or to a float as you have
        Int32 val1 = Convert.ToInt32(YarnWeightTextbox.Text);

        Class2 ft3 = YarnComboBox.SelectedItem as Class2;
        //When casting using the `as` operator. I make a point of checking for null just
        //in case for some reason it isn't an instance of the class I expect.
        if(ft3 != null)
            //Finally change the 50 to 50.0. This tells the compiler to divide using a float
            //rather than an integer. Dividing 2 integers results in the truncation of the fractional part
            YarnLengthTextbox.Text = Convert.ToString((val1 / 50.0) * ft3.garnlangd1);


  1. 检查空字符串
  2. 使用浮点除法而不是整数除法进行除法,因为整数除法会删除结果的小数部分,这可能是您看到的一些奇怪结果的原因。
private void YarnWeightTextbox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (sender is TextBox textBox)
        if (float.TryParse(textBox.Text, out var yarnWeight) && YarnComboBox.SelectedItem is Class2 class2)
            var yarnLength = (yarnWeight / 50.0) * class2.garnlangd1;

            YarnLengthTextbox.Text = yarnLength.ToString();
            YarnLengthTextbox.Text = string.Empty;

正如 Shane Haw 在评论中提到的,您会得到 FormatException,因为 TextChanged 事件会触发 任何时候文本更改

如果 YarnWeightTextBox.Text 中的值为 "5",并且您删除了 "5",则 TextChanged 事件会触发。这意味着您将空字符串 "" 传递给 Convert.ToSingle。空字符串不会转换为 float,因此您会得到 FormatException。如果你在 TextBox 中输入数字以外的任何内容,你也会得到同样的结果。

更好的选择是检查 YarnWeightTextBox.Text 中的值是否解析为 float 而不是使用 Convert.ToFloat.

private void YarnWeightTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
   float val1 = 0.0F;
   if (!float.TryParse(YarnWeightTextBox.Text, out val1))
      // The value in YarnWeightTextBox.Text does not parse to a float. You could 
      // do something here to indicate to the user that they did not provide a correct
      // value, or just return.
   // Calculate the yarn length and put it in the YarnLengthTextBox.Text like you're doing now.

或者,如果这是 Windows Forms,您可以查看 NumericUpDown 控件,它会阻止用户输入无效值。